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2 The Endocrine System The endocrine system is composed of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Maintains homeostasis Regulates reproduction and development

3 What are Hormones? Chemical messengers produced by the cell that effects specific changes in other cells (target cells) May take a long time to take effect

4 How do hormones travel through the body?
Through the bloodstream

5 Endocrine Glands vs. Exocrine Glands
Exocrine glands secrete substances into tube-like structures Example Digestion System Saliva Remember from Digestion Video Milk from Breasts Stomach Acid Endocrine Glands secrete substances directly into extra-cellular space. Substance moves via diffusion

6 http://cti. itc. virginia. edu/~psyc220/kalat/JK324. fig11. 1

7 Pituitary Gland Anterior Pituitary Posterior Pituitary hGH FSH LH
Stimulates growth FSH LH Works on gonads telling them to release hormones Posterior Pituitary Oxytocin Uterine contractions; release of milk ASH Vascopressin Increases water retention in the kidneys

8 Hypothalamus Attached to the pituitary gland
Controls secretions in the anterior pituitary Growth hormone RH Stimulates release of hGH Human Growth hormone

9 Disorders with the Pituitary Gland
Too much GH, body will grow too fast Gigantism Too little Dwarfism


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