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Genesis Ch1 The Creation..

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis Ch1 The Creation.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genesis Ch1 The Creation.

2 Day 1: Light and Dark. Day 2: The Firmament. Day3: Dry Land and Plants
Day 1: Light and Dark. Day 2: The Firmament. Day3: Dry Land and Plants. Day 4: The Sun and The Moon. Day 5: Fish and Birds. Day 6: Animals and Adam. Day 7: The Shabbat that receives from all the other days, and blesses them.

3 On the first day God separated the light…..
…..from the dark

4 On the second day, god created the firmament...
To separate the waters over the sky...... On the second day, god created the firmament... From the waters on the earth.

5 On the Third day, God separated
the waters to create the land...

6 He then created plants to cover the land.

7 On the fourth day God created
the Sun ... and then... the Moon.


9 On the fifth day God created fish.....

10 ...and Birds for the sky.

11 And on day six God created all of the animals...

12 ..and at last... Man!

13 Creation. Day 1: Light and Dark. Day 2: The Firmament. Day3: Dry Land and Plants. Day 4: The Sun and The Moon. Day 5: Fish and Birds. Day 6: Animals and Adam. Day 7: The Shabbat that receives from all the other days, and blesses them.

14 Genesis Chapter 2 CREATION

15 One Day

16 ….He decided to make it rain.
As God looked at The land… ….He decided to make it rain.

17 So God caused a great mist to rise up…..

18 And it rained! …and rained …and rained

19 And after the rain….. …..the plants started to grow….
and fill the world.

20 But God had a problem He needed somebody to look after the garden!

21 And so he created a gardener…
…called Adam. And Botany was born! Thank you God for Alan Titchmarch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for that bloody Monty Don!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22 But Adam wasn’t happy Because he was alone

23 So God tried to create a helper for him.
He tried Big helpers

24 He tried small helpers.

25 And brought them to Adam to be named.
In fact, He made every animal big and small… And brought them to Adam to be named.

26 But Adam was still sad… because none of the helpers were right.

27 As a result God caused adam to fall asleep…
Removed a rib from adams chest. And made the rib into Eve the first woman

28 And they were very, very, happy.
For a while



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