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Twitter: Tweets, Tips and Tricks

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Presentation on theme: "Twitter: Tweets, Tips and Tricks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Twitter: Tweets, Tips and Tricks


3 Handle @Mentions Tweet Follow Timeline DM Trending Vocabulary
URL Shorteners

4 Vocabulary: Hashtag Suggested Addition: DM news media about upcoming events/hashtags, promote hashtag about a week before the event

5 Vocabulary: RT

6 Tips: Tweets Pictures and video are popular
Strive for a behind the scenes, casual relationship Don’t sound too formal, but stay professional.

7 Tips: Twitter Culture Attribute info, quotes and tweets.
Say thank you, and praise users for their contributions. Don’t delete tweets – if you make a mistake, admit to it, apologize and make the correction. Suggested Addition: Number of Tweets a day (no more than 10 unless live-Tweeting an event)

8 Pro Tips Don’t over/under Tweet
Making your page more attractive and appealing will draw in more followers Don’t over/under Tweet Twitter is a conversation. Lack of engagement = no community Communities do not grow overnight!

9 Tricks

10 Tricks: Advertising Your Account
Follow DoS & news media Cross link your accounts. #FollowFriday

11 Metrics Number of followers ≠ community
Success is based on level and quality of engagement. Klout Score ( measures your overall online influence

12 HootSuite Metrics

13 Discussion Should your office even be on Twitter?
Consider: is your audience on Twitter? How did you get approval? Who did you talk to? What were the pros/cons you presented? Do your tweets need clearances? How do you reach your audience? When are they online? What content do you use? How do you measure success?


15 Resources Field Guides: Twitter, HootSuite Mini Guides: Help Desks:
Twitter Cliff Notes for Posts Tips for Live Tweeting Creating Word Clouds for Twitter Content Analysis Help Desks: Twitter Support HootSuite Help Desk

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