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Q: What is a hydrocarbon?

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Presentation on theme: "Q: What is a hydrocarbon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q: What is a hydrocarbon?
Q: What is crude oil? Q: How do we separate crude oil into simpler, more useful mixtures? Q: What are the uses of the gases fraction of crude oil? Q: What is the use of the petrol fraction of crude oil? Q: What is the use of the kerosene fraction of crude oil? Q: What are the uses of the diesel oil fraction of crude oil? Q: What are the uses of the fuel oil fraction of crude oil?

2 A: A compound that contains carbon and hydrogen only.
A: A complex mixture of hydrocarbons, formed from the remains of small plants and animals that died long ago and were covered by layers of sand and mud. A: A compound that contains carbon and hydrogen only. A: Domestic heating and cooking. A: By fractional distillation. This uses differences in boiling points between hydrocarbon chains to separate crude oil into different fractions of simpler mixtures. The crude oil is heated and those hydrocarbons that have similar length chains of carbon atoms have similar boiling points and can be collected. A: Fuel for aircraft. A: Fuel for cars. A: Fuel for large ships and in some power stations. A: Fuel for some cars and trains.

3 Q: What are the uses of the bitumen fraction of crude oil?
Q: How do hydrocarbons in different fractions differ in terms of: number of C and H atoms they contain; boiling points; ease of ignition; viscosity? Q: Describe the complete combustion of hydrocarbons. Q: What is the chemical test for carbon dioxide? Q: What are the products of the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons? Q: Explain the toxicity of carbon monoxide. Q: What are the problems associated with the production of soot during incomplete combustion? Q: Why do impurities in hydrocarbon fuels lead to the production of sulfur dioxide?

4 A: Surfacing roads (tarmac) and roofs.
A: As C chain length increases: boiling point increases; ease of ignition decreases; viscosity increases. A: Surfacing roads (tarmac) and roofs. A: If the gas is bubbled through limewater, a white precipitate (calcium carbonate) will form. A: Involves the oxidation of the hydrocarbons; produces carbon dioxide and water; gives out energy. A: If haemoglobin molecules in red blood cells are exposed to carbon monoxide, the CO attached to the haemoglobin instead of oxygen. This attachment is irreversible. Therefore, if you are exposed to CO your haemoglobin molecules start to carry CO instead of O2. As more and more haemoglobin molecules are occuiped with CO, they cannot carry O2. A concentration of more than 2% CO in the air can be fatal in under 2 hours. Lower levels of CO over long periods can cause brain damage. A: Carbon and carbon monoxide. A: One of the most important impurities is sulfur. When sulfur impurities are burned with the hydrocarbon, the sulfur is oxidised to sulfur dioxide: S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g). A: In the home, soot produced can cause breathing problems, especially for people who suffer from asthma. On an industrial scale, particles of soot absorb some of the light from the Sun and are responsible for global dimming. They also speed up condensation of water in the atmosphere, causing clouds to form.

5 Q: When sulfur dioxide dissolves in rain water it causes acid rain
Q: When sulfur dioxide dissolves in rain water it causes acid rain. Describe some of the problems associated with acid rain. Q: What are greenhouse gases? Q: What is the greenhouse effect? Q: Name three greenhouse gases. Q: How can human activity affect the Earth’s temperature? Q: What is iron seeding? Q: How is nanotechnology being used to control levels of atmospheric CO2? Q: Why do scientists believe that atmospheric CO2 is responsible for global warming?

6 A: Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour.
A: Gases in the atmosphere whose absorption of infrared solar radiation is responsible for the greenhouse effect. A: Increased weathering of buildings and statues; damage to tree leaves leading to death of the trees; lowered pH of soil reducing productivity of crops; lowered pH of streams and ponds, killing some organisms. A: Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour. A: A process in which the atmosphere is warmed up by infrared radiation; it then re-radiates some of the infra-red radiation back towards the Earth’s surface, which warms the surface. A: Algae are dependent on dissolved minerals for growth. Because of the low solubility of iron, it is usually the limiting factor in algal growth. Introducing iron into the upper levels of the ocean encourages the growth of algae there. The algae use CO2 for photosynthesis. There are also algae that make carbonate-based shells, which will increase the usage of CO2 as their numbers increase. A: Burning fossil fuels for energy, and burning forests to clear land for farming change the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere as they produce large quantities of the gas. A: Some scientists believe there is a correlation between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature of the Earth. However, other scientists point out that a correlation does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. A: An industrial approach involves converting CO2 into hydrocarbons in a chemical process using nanotechnology. A nanotube can provide a suitable environment for this conversion.

7 Q: What is a biofuel? Q: State an example of a biofuel, and how it is produced. Q: What are the advantages of biofuels? Q: What are the disadvantages of biofuels? Q: What factors make a good fuel? Q: How is energy released in a simple fuel cell? Q: What are the advantages of hydrogen fuel cells? Q: What are the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells?

8 A: Ethanol, produced by the processing of sugar beet or sugar cane
A: Ethanol, produced by the processing of sugar beet or sugar cane. Chemically, it is produced from the fermentation of plant carbohydrates: C6H12O6(aq)  2C2H5OH(aq) + 2CO2(g) A: Fuels made from plants and animal waste. They are an alternative to fossil fuels. A: Growing the crops to make biofuels requires land and may affect the availability of land for growing food. Biofuels produce CO2 too – when they are burned and also very likely when they are transported from place to place. This production of CO2 needs to be evaluated and balanced against the CO2 removed from the atmosphere by the growing biofuels. A: Biofuels are renewable; this means they can reduce the demand for petrol. A: Hydrogen and oxygen are combined to produce water, and this reaction releases energy. A: How easily it burns; the amount of ash or smoke it produces; the comparative amount of energy it produces; how easy it is to store and transport. A: It is extremely flammable; the technology to produce, store and transport hydrogen is still being developed. A: Hydrogen is abundant in a stable compound (water); it does not produce pollutants.

9 Q: State some non-renewable fossil fuels and where they are found.
Q: How do you calculate the amount of energy released by a fuel when heating water? Q: What is the specific heat capacity of water? Q: What is an alkane? Q: Draw the formula of methane. Q: Draw the structure of ethane. Q: Draw the structure of propane. Q: How do you distinguish between alkanes and alkenes using a chemical test?

10 A: Energy released (J) = mass of water (kg) x specific heat capacity of water (J kg-1 oC-1) x temperature change (oC) A: Petrol, kerosene and diesel oil, obtained from crude oil; methane, obtained from natural gas. A: A family of hydrocarbons found in crude oil containing only hydrogen and carbon, with single covalent bonds. A: 4200 J kg-1 oC-1. A: Bromine water has a brownish tint. When added to alkenes the bromine reacts and becomes colourless. With alkanes there is no reaction so the bromine water remains brownish.

11 Q: What is an alkene? Q: What is an unsaturated hydrocarbon? Q: Draw the structure of ethene. Q: Draw the structure of propene. Q: What is cracking? Q: Explain why cracking is necessary. Q: How do we carry out cracking of liquid paraffin in the laboratory? Q: What is the name of the reaction in which many ethene molecules combine together.

12 A: Hydrocarbons that contain carbon-carbon double bonds.
A: A family of hydrocarbons found in crude oil with double carbon to carbon double bonds. . A: For many years oil companies selectively pumped up light sweet crude from underground deposits because it contained the highest percentage of short-chain hydrocarbons. As supplies of light sweet crude are used up the reliance on the heavier crude increases. The cracking of long-chain hydrocarbons has become more important as a way to meet the demand for short-chain hydrocarbons. A: The thermal decomposition of long-chain hydrocarbons into smaller and more useful hydrocarbons. A: Polymerisation. A: A catalyst of aluminium oxide, silicon(IV) oxide or porcelain is used. A test tube containing paraffin is heated. This heats the catalyst and causes the paraffin to vaporise. As the paraffin passes over the catalyst, thermal decomposition occurs, producing hydrocarbon gases that are collected in a second test tube.

13 Q: What is the polymer formed from many ethene molecules?
Q: Draw the equation for the formation of poly(ethene). Q: State three other polymers that can be produced by polymerisation from monomers. Q: What are the properties and uses of poly(ethene)? Q: What are the properties and uses of poly(propene)? Q: What are the properties and uses of PVC? Q: What are the properties and uses of PTFE? Q: What does ‘biodegradable’ mean?

14 A: Poly(ethene). A: Waterproof, strong, cheap, easily moulded. Used for shrink wrap, carrier bags, kitchen utensils. A: Poly(propene), poly(chloroethene) (aka PVC), poly(tetrafluoroethene) (aka PTFE). A: Flexible, good insulator, cheap. Used for raincoats, Wellington boots, insulator on wire. A: Strong, hard, can be moulded. Used for packing crates, rope, furniture. A: A biodegradable material can be broken down by microorganisms. A: Inert, shiny, very slick. Used for non-stick pans, waterproof fabrics.

15 Q: What are the problems associated with polymers?
Q: What are the benefits of recycling polymers? Q: What would be the advantage of making biodegradable polymers? Q: How could we make biodegradable polymers? Q: What is a landfill? Q: What is recycling? Q: What is addition polymerisation? Q: What is the difference between a thermosoftening and a thermosetting polymer?

16 A: Polymers will decompose either in compost heaps or in landfills.
A: Reduction of polymers in landfills; less oil being used in the production of polymers; less energy used in production. A: They are not biodegradable (they do not decompose); they produce toxic compounds when burned, such as HCl, which contributes to acid rain. A: Include additives in oil-based polymers that make them easier for microorganisms to break them down; alternatively make them out of compounds that are made by living organisms rather than from crude oil. A: Polymers will decompose either in compost heaps or in landfills. A: Reprocessing of materials to make new products. A: The operation that dumps non-toxic industrial waste and domestic waste into large pits in the ground. A: Cross-linking between individual chains of polymers strengthens them and makes them more rigid. The more cross-links are formed, the more rigid the polymer. Polymers that do not contain cross-links can be heated and reshaped and are referred to thermosoftening polymers. Polymers that form large numbers of cross-links when cooled are called thermosetting polymers. They cannot be melted again and reshaped as they decompose when reheated. A: The process of making polymers by adding polymers to the end of chains of monomers.

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