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Developing your skills for an agile pmo

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Presentation on theme: "Developing your skills for an agile pmo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing your skills for an agile pmo
Eileen Roden and Lindsay Scott PMO Flashmob

2 About PMO Flashmob

3 INSIDE PMO: Agile PMO 3rd report in the series Other topics are:
Portfolio Management Resource Management Visit PMO Flashmob to download: 15-Nov-18

4 Why Agile PMO? 15-Nov-18

5 Agile projects are not a different beast – it’s just a different version of the same beast and there’s lots of similarities in the services the PMO delivers 15-Nov-18

6 Key pmo functions & services
Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk 15-Nov-18

7 Reporting The Metrics Change Working with the Team
What the Senior Leaders Want Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk The Frequency Changes Bi-weekly Sprints The Mindset Changes Differences need time to embed No reporting from PMO? 15-Nov-18

8 Business case Everything starts with the business case
Is it good enough? Are you qualified to make that call? Can you provide support here? Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk Makes sponsorship more visible Is it good enough in your organisation? What can your PMO do about that? 15-Nov-18

9 Benefits realisation From the business case to benefits
Are the benefits clear? How will they be realised? Will we know when? Where are we really with benefits realisation? Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk Working with Team, Sponsors and Business Working out the best way forward 15-Nov-18

10 value How the PMO can support “early and often”
How will “value assurance” work? Understanding key concepts i.e., value stream mapping (VSM) Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk What is our value? 15-Nov-18

11 coaching Bottom line is, the PMO must become a true coach
Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk We can learn from Agile Coaches 15-Nov-18

12 Risk management Pulling together the assurance and coaching roles – independent risk reviews are a value add Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk Working with the teams to find the best way forward 15-Nov-18

13 finance A change in how the forecasts and costs are reported – translation needed! Reporting Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk Analysis across hybrid projects – which are better for the business? 15-Nov-18

14 Reporting Capacity Capability What self-empowerment really means?
Business Case Benefits Realisation Value Coaching Finance Resourcing Risk Capability What self-empowerment really means? 15-Nov-18

15 Translator 15-Nov-18

16 Agile projects, easier to do?
Business Case Agile projects, easier to do? Benefits Mgmt Resource Mgmt Sponsors Coach 15-Nov-18

17 Hybrid \ Bimodal PMO 15-Nov-18

18 PMO Flashmob Business Case Value Sponsors Benefits Coaching 15-Nov-18

19 Pick up the Report from Stand 8 or download it at
Any questions? Pick up the Report from Stand 8 or download it at 15-Nov-18

20 Lean Agile PMO Training
Edinburgh and London Join Us 15-Nov-18

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