Daily Word 2nd Qtr..

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1 Daily Word 2nd Qtr.

2 #40 – Elated (adj) Definition: extremely happy; overjoyed Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

3 #41 – Emulate (V) Definition: to try to equal by imitating Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

4 #42 – Enervate (v) *Happy Halloween!
Definition: to weaken; to tire Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: Honors 9 and C.P. 9 both: Daily Word Test #1-45 – next Friday (9th) *We will have a review day on Thurs. (8th) where extra credit points will be available if you do well. Be sure you study the words prior to the review.

5 #43 – Enigma (n) Definition: mystery; puzzle Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence: Honors 9 and C.P. 9 both: Daily Word Test #1-45 – next Friday (9th) *We will have a review day on Thurs. (8th) where extra credit points will be available if you do well. Be sure you study the words Wed. night!

6 #44 – Enmity (n) Definition: mutual hatred Synonym: Antonym: Example:
Sentence: Honors 9 and C.P. 9 both: Daily Word Test #1-45 – next Friday (9th) *We will have a review day on Thurs. (8th) where extra credit points will be available if you do well. Be sure you study the words prior to the review.

7 #45 – Euphemism (n) Definition: a word or phrase that is used to make an unpleasant idea sound better Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: Honors 9 and C.P. 9 both: Daily Word Test #1-45 – this Friday (9th) *We will have a closed review tomorrow, where extra credit points will be available if you do well. Be sure you study the words prior to the review.

8 #46 – Evasive (adj) Definition: tending to avoid giving direct answers
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:

9 #47 – Exasperation (n) Definition: irritation; frustration Synonym:
Antonym: Example: Sentence:

10 #48 – Extraneous (adj) Definition: unnecessary; irrelevant Synonym:
Antonym: Example: Sentence:

11 #49 – Exuberant (adj) Definition: uncontrollably joyous Synonym:
Antonym: Example: Sentence:

12 #50 – Factitious (adj) Definition: not spontaneous or natural; artificial Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:

13 #51 – Fervid (adj) Definition: heated in spirit, enthusiasm, etc; burning, glowing, intensely hot Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:

14 #52 – Fickle (adj) Definition: lacking loyalty; likely to change
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:

15 #53 – Flagrant (adj) Definition: openly and obviously evil; glaring
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:

16 #54 – Formidable (adj) Upcoming Daily Word Tests:
Definition: causing fear or dread Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

17 #55 – Fortuitous (adj) Definition: lucky Synonym: Antonym: Example:
Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

18 #56 – Futile (adj) Definition: hopelessly ineffective; useless
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

19 #57 – Garrulous (adj) Definition: talkative Synonym: Antonym: Example:
Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

20 #58 – Girth (n) Definition: the measured distance around an object
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

21 #59 – Gregarious (adj) Definition: sociable; extroverted Synonym:
Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

22 #60 – Hackneyed (adj) Definition: overused; clichéd Synonym: Antonym:
Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-60 (Wednesday - 12/12/12) #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

23 #61 – Haphazard (adj) Definition: without plan or direction Synonym:
Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: # tomorrow! #1-75 (semester test) - Thursday - 1/10/13)

24 #62 – Heed (v) Definition: notice; pay attention to Synonym: Antonym:
Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-75 (semester test) - Thursday - 1/10/13)

25 #63 – Heinous (adj) Definition: shockingly evil Synonym: Antonym:
Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

26 #64 – Hiatus (n) Definition: gap; interruption; break Synonym:
Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

27 #65 – Homage (n) Definition: respect paid to someone or something
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

28 #66 – Hyperbole (n) Definition: extreme exaggeration Synonym: Antonym:
Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

29 #67 – Idolatry (n) Definition: the worship of people or objects as gods Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: Upcoming Daily Word Tests: #1-75 (semester test – Thursday - 1/10/13)

30 #68 – Imminent (adj) Definition: about to take place; happening soon
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:

31 #69 – Impede (v) Definition: get in the way; hinder Synonym: Antonym:
Example: Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – next Thurs. (10th) Review Day on Wed. (9th) *Turn in your break assignments!

32 #70 – Impetuous (adj) Definition: making quick decisions; taking sudden action Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – Thurs. (10th) Review Day on Wed. (9th) C.P. 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including OMAM) = Monday (14th) Honors 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including Animal Farm) = Monday (14th)

33 #71 – Incongruous (adj) Definition: not compatible; out of place
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – Thurs. (10th) Review Day on Wed. (9th) C.P. 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including OMAM) = Monday (14th) Honors 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including Animal Farm) = Monday (14th)

34 #72 – Incorrigible (adj) Definition: impossible to correct, control, or discipline Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – Thurs. (10th) Review Day on Wed. (9th) C.P. 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including OMAM) = Monday (14th) Honors 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including Animal Farm) = Monday (14th)

35 #73 – Incumbent (adj) Definition: holding an indicated position or role Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – Thurs. (10th) Review Day tomorrow maybe… C.P. 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including OMAM) = Monday (14th) Honors 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including Animal Farm) = Monday (14th)

36 #74 – Indolent (adj) Definition: lazy Synonym: Antonym: Example:
Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – Thurs. (10th) Review Day tomorrow maybe… C.P. 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including OMAM) = Monday (14th) Honors 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including Animal Farm) = Monday (14th)

37 #75 – Infallible (adj) Definition: incapable of making a mistake
Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: All: Daily Word Semester Test – Thurs. (10th) Review Day Today???? C.P. 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including OMAM) = Monday (14th) Honors 9 – 2nd Qtr. Binder Check = Friday (11th) / Symbolism & Allegory Unit Test (including Animal Farm) = Monday (14th)

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