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Trip Dates Trip 1: May 31-June 7 Trip 2: June 7 – June 14 Trip 3: June 14 – June 21.

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Presentation on theme: "Trip Dates Trip 1: May 31-June 7 Trip 2: June 7 – June 14 Trip 3: June 14 – June 21."— Presentation transcript:


2 Trip Dates Trip 1: May 31-June 7 Trip 2: June 7 – June 14 Trip 3: June 14 – June 21

3 Chaperones Trip 1 Mike Szydlowski Beth Newton Anne Kome Matt Wightman Caitlin Cunningham Robin Shaon Moore Stephanee Hughes Kyle Popa Pam Close Kelly Turnbough Kyle Reznicek Seth Willenberg Amy Duncan Kerra Hatcher April Sulze Kara Cohagen Keith Wright

4 Chaperones Trip 2 Mike Szydlowski Beth Newton Anne Kome Jen Szydlowski Dean Klempke Robin Shaon Moore Ed Schumacher Julie Alexander Jenna Cunigan Mandi Coe Nancy Shikles Chris Minnix Megan Kinkade Marcia Arnel Joan Jourilles Lindsay Carmichael Tony White Lisa Schenker

5 Chaperones Trip 3 Mike Szydlowski Anne Kome Jen Szydlowski Meera Sood Ragan Webb Kory Kaufman Michelle Dobrowolski Michelle Schnake Rex Beltz Seth Trotter John Neis Brent Wade Beth Newton

6 While Traveling… You MAY bring headphones and electronics. (We are not responsible and chaperones will collect upon arrival.) Meals are paid for….except 1 st dinner (bring) Movies on board PG 13 or below Pillow, blanket, music, snacks, etc. Snacks for bus Bathroom on board

7 What NOT to bring… Anything not allowed by school rules. –Except items discussed in this presentation. Energy Drinks, Energy Gum, Energy Pills, Energy Powder, Energy anything Green or Red Drinks. Snacks at T.S.S. (animals). (NO GUM) Pocket knives, mace, bear sprays, perfumes, hair driers, curling irons, skirts,

8 What not to bring…..continued Expensive anything –Understand that it may be broken, lost, etc. A favorite anything

9 Cell Phone Policy You may bring cell phones on the bus at your parents discretion. –We can not be responsible for the phones –No cell phone calls should be made after departure…but you may text. –We have the right to take away the phone for any reason…mostly including disruptive texts/calls, bullying texts/calls, or any other reason.

10 Cell Phone Policy at TSS No electronics of any kind (except digital cameras) are allowed once we get to Teton Science School. This rule applies even if you are only using it for a camera If found during TSS it will be taken and not returned until back in Columbia.

11 What to bring… Camera – any kind…be careful though. Items to make travel enjoyable (for you and chaperones). Books/appropriate magazines Some reasonable money for gifts or snacks.

12 Clothing to bring… This can make your trip good or bad Tennis shoes 2 pairs Hiking boots (?) Warm socks (Socks should cover ankles while on hikes) Warm jacket Rain jacket (Pants if it is really raining) Baseball cap Gloves Pants & Shorts Sheets Sleeping bag Pillow Towel, washcloth, comb, toothbrush, soap, etc. Pencils Sunscreen & chapstick Sunglasses 1 Water Bottle 1 Liter and screw top Sandals for inside

13 Other Comments… Label your clothing – E-mail me if you have a question, need help, or need reassuring! TSS will supply a backpack so no need to buy one or break in a new one, a small pack for bus is useful.

14 Home Contact Students generally will not call home during the trip. We are going to limit calls home to emergencies only. –Causes additional home sick issues –Long lines for phone during free time It is coordinators intent to send home news from the trip every day…if technology allows. Students may mail letters home if they wish.

15 A Typical Day at Teton Science Good Morning: 7:00 a.m. Breakfast/Clean up 8:00 a.m. Leave with Field Groups 9:15 a.m. Lunch in Field Return From Field 4:00 p.m. Free Time 4:00-6:00p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Evening Program 7:15 p.m. In Cabins 9:15 p.m. Good Night: 10:00 p.m.

16 Our Field Curriculum Fire & Ice Hiking Wildlife Tracking Hiking Challenge Hiking Canoeing…100 degree rule Yellowstone Day

17 6:15 Breakfast and pack lunches 7:15 Depart on our original buses. This day is run by the CPS Science Staff Students will ride the charter bus 2 hours up to Yellowstone and will spend the day in Yellowstone until 5:30 p.m. then 2 hours back.


19 Yellowstone Tour Canyon Area –Brink of the Lower Falls –Lookout Point and Trail Scenic Drive of southern loop Old Faithful Area –Geyser Basin –Old Faithful Inn –Old Faithful

20 Lookout Point & Trail

21 Brink of the Lower Falls

22 Old Faithful Area

23 Old Faithful Inn

24 Gift Shop/Snack Alert! We will allow students a little bit of time for gift shopping at the Old Faithful location. We will allow them to purchase snacks also…although they will have their lunch too. Dinner will be late today…8:00 p.m.

25 Medicines There will be a medicine check in station on departure days. EACH medicine needs a form filled out. We have those here tonight so you can save time on departure day.

26 Departure Day Parking Buses will be in front along with about 40 cars. All other cars will be in the back. You may go in the back doors and use the elevators or stairs. Check in will be upstairs.

27 $5 Donation On Departure day we are requesting a $5 donation for us to buy gifts for the Teton Science School staff. These staff members do not make enough money to live comfortably in one of the most expensive cities to live. They always are very excited with our gifts…mostly food treats/rec equipment/gift cards.

28 Most Important Information… Allow yourself to learn new things. Always be respectful. Always be appreciative…few students ever get this opportunity. Prepare to be tired…you have all summer to relax.

29 OUR PROMISE Every student and adult will be treated with respect so that every single person leaves here with an amazing experience.

30 Enough Already….Lets Go! DEPARTURE Arrive at Central Office 3:00 p.m. 1818 Worley St. Saturday May 31 st, June 7 th or 14 th ARRIVAL back to Columbia 11:00 a.m. (+ or – 3 hours) Saturday June 7 th, 14 th or 21 st

31 Departure Day Procedures Buses will be in the front but most people will park in back. Go in back doors and go up stairs or elevator to check in. Drag all luggage with you. We will depart at 4:00 p.m.

32 Packing One bag/suitcase for under the bus (not accessible) One small bag, pillow, blanket for on bus with all leisure items, snacks, etc. Bring jacket on bus as it will get much cooler as we travel to Wyoming. Dont forget to bring your sack dinner.


34 Other Questions/Comments?

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