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InSyncBody Fitness and Nutrition

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1 InSyncBody Fitness and Nutrition
What is Ayurveda and how do you apply that knowledge to todays fitness and nutrition

2 What is Ayurveda Ayurveda is considered one of the world’s oldest healing sciences, originating in India at least 5,000 years ago Ayurveda was the system of natural health care conceived and developed by seers through centuries of observation, experiments and meditations Ayurvedic knowledge was passed on orally from teacher to student until 5th to 6th century BC when it was elaborately written in Sanskrit texts Ayurveda is one of the most important and innovative systems of mind-body healing Ayurveda literally means “the wisdom of life” or “the knowledge of longevity” “AYUS” means life or longevity “VEDA” means deep knowledge or wisdom

3 what it means to your health
“While western medicine focuses on identifying external pathogens and controlling disease from the outside, Ayurveda concentrates on the living individual and controlling disease through balancing the life-force within the person…..we must learn how to develop and improve ourselves and our own internal resources, including not only how we eat and exercise, but also how we breathe and how we think. Ayurveda shows us how to do this and provides us with the knowledge and methods to facilitate the process. “ Dr. David Frawley, Author/Ayurvedic expert Beth Shaw, YogaFit Founder incorporates Ayurveda teaching in the YogaLean Lifestyle coaching certification program and this was my first introduction to Ayurveda…and it made sense to me.

4 perfect health goal Balanced doshas Balanced agnis (digestive fire)
Balanced dhatus (body tissue) Elimination of waste material Bliss established in consciousness, senses and mind *According to ayurveda every individual is a unique expression of consciousness with a unique past (Prakruti ) or psycho-physyiological type *Each person has a constitution that is specific to him or her and movement away from that constitution creates health imbalances…..and “dis-ease” may develop. *Natural changes in diet, activities , and herbs can return you to balance

5 Book an appointment InSyncBody Fitness is partnered with Sewanti Ayurvedic Supplements and Lucie is a Certified Ayurvedic Product Consultant . She is able to interpret your dosha test results to determine your Prakruti and (current state) Vikruti. Lucie uses her training as a Registered Yoga Teacher and Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Specialist to recommend wellness program for you. A wellness program OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL rate is $100, To be paid at time of booking. Forms will be ed to you to complete and the appointment will follow once the completed forms are received.

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