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Interactive Science Journals

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1 Interactive Science Journals
Coach Blocker Schley County Middle School Ellaville, Georgia

2 I can't find my . . . notes, homework, quizzes . . .
Have you ever heard yourself say ... ? I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I can't find my . . . notes, homework, quizzes . . . I'm sure it’s in . . . my locker? my folder? my room? I was absent last week, did I miss anything?

3 Interactive Science Journals
No worries … Interactive Science Journals are here to save the day!

4 What Is An Interactive Science Notebook?
An interactive science Journal (ISJ) is your own personalized SCIENCE Journal. A portfolio of your work in ONE spot that you bring EVERY DAY. This is a great resource for STUDYING for quizzes & tests. A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be COLORFUL and CREATIVE to show me what you know or have learned. Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST by asking QUESTIONS, RECORDING what you observe, and SHARING it with your classmates!

5 Science Notebook Supplies
Colored Pencils Pens & Pencils Composition Notebook Scissors Pencil Sharpener Eraser Liquid Glue Highlighter NO MARKERS! (except on the covers)

6 What Goes In Journal? Concept Maps/Organizers Drawings
Reflective Writing Questions Data Charts and Graphs Songs, Poems, or Riddles Data from Experiments Cartoons or cartoon strips Information given in class Lecture Notes Lab Activities Video Notes Summaries Teacher Notes Procedures for experiments Classroom Specific Information

7 Example page:

8 Step 1: Getting Started 1 – Print the following info on the front cover of your journal using a black ink pen: your first and last name, Standard ID (S7L1), and the year. 2 – Create a pouch and glue it to the inside of your front cover. 3 – Cut and glue the S7L1 Georgia Performance Standard on the first page in your journal. Fold and place the remaining standards in your pouch.

9 Step 2: Page Numbers Add PAGE NUMBERS to all of your pages.
Start with 1 in the bottom-right corner of the first page (Standards page), follow with a 2 on the back of that page and so on. EVENS ODDS

10 Teacher Outline attached here!
Step 3: Essential Questions You are responsible for recording the Essential Questions (EQ) from the board into your journals, as we discuss each lesson. It will be your responsibility to go back and answer the EQ, after we have complete our discussions on that topic. Be very descriptive as you answer the EQ. Include vocabulary and examples. How does an apple get digested through the digestive system? In the mouth, the tongue and teeth begin mechanical digestion to break the apple down into smaller particles. Saliva, which contains the enzyme amylase, begins chemical digestion, breaking down starch into sugar. Then, through peristalsis, the esophagus moves the apple particles into the stomach. In the stomach, food is mixed mechanically by peristalsis. It is also broken down by acids with the help of enzymes and changed into chyme. The chyme flows into the small intestine, where it is further digested chemically, as bile and pancreatic juice are mixed with the chyme. Nutrients are absorbed by the villi in the small intestines into blood vessels, and then transported to all the cells of the body. The remaining undigested materials move into the large intestine, where water is absorbed from it, and it becomes more solid. Finally, the rectum and anus control the release of the remaining solid wastes. Teacher Outline attached here! 32 33

11 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words
Step 4: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words Title the back of the very last page of your journal – “Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root words”. This is where you will record all such information for future studying. You will be given many new prefixes and suffixes in class, as we cover each standard. You are responsible for writing them onto this page! Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words Bio = Life -ology = study of 100

12 Journal Rules Do not RIP OUT pages or tear corners.
All handouts MUST BE GLUED IN! Don’t DOODLE unless it relates to science. Your ISJ should only be used for SCIENCE CLASS and COMES TO CLASS EVERYDAY! Each page should have the DATE and PAGE#. BE COLORFUL, CREATIVE, & LOVE YOUR JOURNAL!


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