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Eight Key Concepts Of Media Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Eight Key Concepts Of Media Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eight Key Concepts Of Media Literacy

2 Media Communication Audience Message

3 Types of Media Magazines Television Radio Internet Text messages Logos
Social Media and more!

4 Media 101

5 1. All Media are Constructions

6 Who Makes it Matters  Created by individuals

7 Why might you argue that Facebook profiles are carefully crafted social constructions?

8 2. The Media Construct Reality

9 Question 1: What does Gossip Girl suggest about what it is like to be a teenager?
Question 2: Do you think this is a realistic representation of what goes on in your life?

10 3. Audiences Negotiate Meaning in Media Texts

11 Who is Watching Matters
Age Gender Sexuality Race Social Status Religious Beliefs Personal Experience Education

12 Question 1: Why would watching a sitcom like That 70s Show be a very different experience for someone who grew up in the 70s than it would be for a teen viewer today?

13 4. Media Have Commercial Implications

14 Money and Control

15 Question: How might this product placement encourage someone to buy this watch? Sunglasses?
What is the suggestion here?

16 Product Placement and Commercials

17 5. Contains Ideological and Value Messages
Question 1: What are the ideological and value messages in this ad?

18 Really? Even in a Toyota Commerical?

19 6. Media Have Social and Political Implications



22 Question 1: What would you conclude about Stephen Harper after seeing these cartoons?
Question 2: How might it persuade you politically?

23 7. Form and Content are Closely Related in the Media
television sitcoms billboards newspapers documentaries

24 Content Visual Cues (colour, lighting) Images Text (font, dialogue)
Audio Cues (music, sound effects)


26 8. Each Medium Has a Unique Aesthetic Form

27 Question 1: What makes graphic novels, comic books, or cartoons unique from other forms of media?
Question 2: In other words, what are some of the conventions of each medium?

28 Spectre “A Bond movie is all about delivering on expectations: to enjoy it you have to be pleased rather than frustrated by its predictability” What are the conventions of a James Bond movie?

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