R.A.T.E.S Get ready to write!!.

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Presentation on theme: "R.A.T.E.S Get ready to write!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 R.A.T.E.S Get ready to write!!

2 R.A.T.E.S. R = Restate the question A = Answer the question
A topic sentence is rarely, if ever, a question. By combining the question (R) and your answer (A) you can write a great topic sentence. = Topic Sentence

3 R.A.T.E.S. Which is a better start:
A topic sentence is rarely, if ever, a question. By combining the question (R) and your answer (A) you can write a great topic sentence. Which is a better start: Should every kid get a trophy for Little League? Yes. Every kid who participates in Little League should get a trophy.

4 R.A.T.E.S. Which is a better start:
A topic sentence is rarely, if ever, a question. By combining the question (R) and your answer (A) you can write a great topic sentence. Which is a better start: Should every kid get a trophy for Little League? Yes. Every kid who participates in Little League should get a trophy.

5 R A Question and answer Which is best? Jackie is thoughtful.
Jackie can be described as thoughtful. Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity.

6 R A Question and answer Which is best? Jackie is thoughtful.
Jackie can be described as thoughtful. Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity.

7 R.A.T.E.S. Write YOUR topic sentence
Be sure to include the question idea and your answer

8 R.A.T.E.S. T =Text Evidence Text Evidence must prove your topic sentence is true.

9 R.A.T.E.S. Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity. “Jackie had three separate rooms for us up there, with thoughtful touches in each, like scented lotion and a vase of fresh cut flowers on my nightstand.” (28)

10 R.A.T.E.S. T =Text Evidence Because you did your homework, you already have this done Whoop, whoop!

11 R.A.T.E.S. E = Explain Explain how the text evidence proves your answer?

12 Which explanation works?
RA T E Parents should electronically monitor teen drivers. “Research shows that electronic monitoring devices can reduce risky driving behavior by teenagers.” ? The devices reduce risky driving behavior. ? When I’m a driver, I want to use a monitor. ? Teenagers drive more carefully, knowing that they are being monitored.

13 Which explanation works?
RA T E Parents should electronically monitor teen drivers. “Research shows that electronic monitoring devices can reduce risky driving behavior by teenagers.” ? The devices reduce risky driving behavior. ? When I’m a driver, I want to use a monitor. ? Teenagers drive more carefully, knowing that they are being monitored.

14 Which explanation works?
RA T E Parents should electronically monitor teen drivers. Chloe Oliver says she’d recommend this device to a friend because it has made her a better driver. ? Parents don’t know what’s lurking out there, but this device can tell them. ? Chloe became a better, more confident driver with the device’s help. ? Telling a friend to use it means it works.

15 Which explanation works?
RA T E Parents should electronically monitor teen drivers. Chloe Oliver says she’d recommend this device to a friend because it has made her a better driver. ? Parents don’t know what’s lurking out there, but this device can tell them. ? Chloe became a better, more confident driver with the device’s help. ? Telling a friend to use it means it works.

16 Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity.
“Jackie had three separate rooms for us up there, with thoughtful touches in each, like scented lotion and a vase of fresh cut flowers on my nightstand.” (28) Which is best? ? Obviously, Jackie is thoughtful. ? Only a thoughtful person would put lotion and flowers in a guest room. ? Jackie took the time to think about each guest and chose special touches that were suitable for each.

17 Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity.
“Jackie had three separate rooms for us up there, with thoughtful touches in each, like scented lotion and a vase of fresh cut flowers on my nightstand.” (28) Which is best? ? Obviously, Jackie is thoughtful. ? Only a thoughtful person would put lotion and flowers in a guest room. ? Jackie took the time to think about each guest and chose special touches that were suitable for each.

18 R.A.T.E.S. S = Summarize Summarize your paragraph.
Basically, this is your concluding sentence. The best way to do this is to simply restate the topic sentence in different words.

19 R.A.T.E.S. Example: Topic Sentence = Summary (concluding sentence)
Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity. Summary (concluding sentence) Any of these work Being thoughtful is what Jackie does. Showing thoughtfulness is clearly a character trait of Jackie’s. Doing thoughtful things for others is one trait that makes Jackie such a likeable character.

20 R.A.T.E.S. Finally, put it all together!

21 R.A.T.E.S. paragraph Jackie is a woman who demonstrates thoughtfulness at every opportunity. For example, “Jackie had three separate rooms for us up there, with thoughtful touches in each, like scented lotion and a vase of fresh cut flowers on my nightstand.” (28) This shows Jackie took the time to think about each guest and chose special touches that were suitable for each. When Tyler came to work at Jackie’s we found, “One of the things Jackie does here, besides working with the animals, is helping kids who’ve gotten in trouble.” (54) While most people don’t trust or care enough about troubled kids to let them into their home and give them a second chance, Jackie’s thoughtfulness shines through when she extends a helping hand to Tyler. Doing thoughtful things for others is one trait that makes Jackie such a likeable character. R+A T E S

22 Get it done! Write your amazing paragraph

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