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Classroom Rules and Safety

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Rules and Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Rules and Safety
Listen Carefully—There is a TEST at the end

2 Classroom Expectations
Be Respectful To Yourself To Others To EHS Be On Time Sitting in your seat, ready to learn when the bell rings Be Prepared Have all necessary assignments and materials (including your binder) ready and in class to complete the day’s tasks Stay On Task Work to complete assignments completely, don’t get distracted or become a distraction

3 Classroom Expectations
When I talk everyone listens Irrelevant interruptions tend to upset me However, respectful, relevant, and educated questions are welcomed

4 Classroom Expectations
Your body should be in its seat and your mind on your work—neither one should wander

5 Classroom Expectations
You may talk quietly to those around you Do not become loud or quit working

6 Classroom Expectations
You will not be leaving the classroom for any reason So don’t ask other than emergency—life/death or wet/dry

7 Classroom Expectations
Never handle the work of others Cheating will only get you into serious trouble And a 0 for everyone involved

8 Classroom Expectations
If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out about the work and make it up.

9 Classroom Expectations
Do not have anything in your mouth during class time No food, gum, drink (other than water), or candy—or anything else you may put in your mouth

10 Poor Grades are Caused By:
Incomplete, late or poorly executed work Evidence of little effort on your part Careless, wasteful, or irresponsible use of time Numerous absences Poor test grades

11 Computer Safety Never stick any object in the disk drives other than the disk. Never open the CPU.

12 Computer Lab Rules NO FOOD OR DRINK Respect Others
DON’T CHANGE COMPUTER SETTINGS NO Print only when necessary

13 Computer Lab Rules Keep a clean workstation Save Often
Surf only when given permission LOG OFF Work Quietly

14 Computer Safety Always make sure that the computer is properly and securely place on the desk. NEVER put anything infront of the computer’s fan Don’t put items on the keyboard

15 Computer Safety Always make sure that the cords are up off the floor.
Do not wrap your feet in the wires to the computer—this can cause an entire side of the classroom to lose power.

16 Computer Safety Do not lean back in your chair
Do not roll across the room in your chair

17 Computer Safety Absolutely NO Unauthorized Internet Games

18 Keyboarding Safety Always model the proper posture in class.
Feet flat on the floor Sitting straight up in your chair Hands on homerow Eyes on the copy (aka book)

19 Keyboarding Safety Take short breaks to rest your hands and eyes—not to run your mouth.

20 School Emergency Procedures
Tornado Drill Move away from glass and open areas Move to hallways (knees to chest)

21 School Emergency Procedures
Fire Drill Move quickly and quietly out the fire door go to the parking lot. Stay together as a class Wait for further instructions

22 School Emergency Procedures
Soft Lock-Down Status/Cyclone Down Must remain in classroom Lock doors Continue class as normal

23 School Emergency Procedures
Hard Lock Down Lock all doors Turn off lights Not allowed in hallway Go to safe area of classroom

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