China The History of China 1300-1900.

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Presentation on theme: "China The History of China 1300-1900."— Presentation transcript:

1 China The History of China

2 China Today: What do you know?

3 Early China (1300-1800) One of the world’s earliest civilizations
at least 67,000 years old Relatively isolated from foreign influence Westerners arrive in 1500’s Trade was used with restrictions Isolationism was primary focus

4 Qing Dynasty 1691-1910 1st dynasty to unite China under
one ruling family

5 1st built in 5th century BC
Major construction from Over 4,000 miles long!

6 Life in Early China Most Chinese were farmers Men dominated households
Attempted to preserve tradition What is tradition?

7 China & Self-sufficiency
1793 England visits Qing emperor Chinese are not “interested” in western goods Opium smuggled into China 12 million Chinese opium addicts China outraged with England

8 Opium War of 1839 China suffers humiliating defeat against Great Britain 1842 sign the peace Treaty of Nanjing Forced to give up Hong Kong Opened up China to trade from foreigners (Russia, France, US, Germany)

9 Qing Dynasty in decline
Population explosion 430 million in 1850 Food production did not grow quickly enough Hunger widespread Military very weak Government Corrupt Combination makes change inevitable

10 Taiping Rebellion End Result:
million rebels fight Qing Dynasty Mainly peasant soldiers Goal: To build a fair & equal China End Result: Economically devastating to China Over 20 million people die of starvation Signals large change for China in the future

11 Foreign Influence grows
Foreigners increasingly dominate Chinese economy Built railroads, Peasants & workers resent the “special” privileges of foreigners 1900 “Boxer” Rebellion against foreigners

12 Boxer Rebellion 8- Country International troops defeat Boxers
Japan, Russia, Great Britain, U.S., France, Germany, Italy, Austria

13 Qing Dynasty Falls Boxer rebellion raised nationalism in China
1908 Qing dynasty announces a full constitutional government will be in place by 1917 1912 the Republic of China formed Country falls into Civil War

14 Journal #1: Describe the history, culture & tradition of China between Describe the influence of the Opium War of 1839 on China. Civil War Qing Dynasty Opium War Taiping Rebellion Boxer Rebellion

15 China Summary Chinese society was based on tradition
Western influence was forced and came late to China Opium War of 1839 changes China China falls into civil war as Qing dynasty collapses

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