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UEA Leadership Training Intro to Twitter

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1 UEA Leadership Training Intro to Twitter

2 Who are Utah Teacher Fellows?
- 20 teachers elevating teacher voice in Utah education policy - Annual research project - Partners with USBE - Part of a national non-partisan non-profit

3 Intended Professional Learning Outcomes
Create a Professional Twitter presence Become proficient in basic Twitter communication Become familiar with Twitter chats

4 Creating a Twitter Profile: What to Include
Picking your Twitter Handle Professional Simple Short (initials work) Profile: Areas of Focus Your job Your focus/passion/speciality Your affiliations/memberships/outside work Links, Handles & Hashtags Are there links to professional sites you should include? Are there active hashtags that describe you or your passion? (#Deborahs) Are there important twitter handles to include in your profile?

5 Creating a Twitter Profile Examples

6 I have a Twitter account -- now what?
Following- these are the people whose tweets (meaning post) you will see in your feed. Followers- these are the people who are following you and can see your posts in their feed. you can chose to make your account public or private

7 Following Lists Lists - Collections of twitter handles related to a particular topic you can ‘subscribe to.’ Allows you to follow all tweets from twitter users on the list without following them individually. Can change periodically. Examples: Additional examples:

8 Functions of Twitter Reply Retweet or Retweet with comment Like
Direct Message

9 Tweet, Retweet, Retweet with Comment and of course--Like
Tweet- A posting on the social media website Twitter of up to 280 characters of text. Tweets typically contain photos, videos, blogs or website links. RT- A retweet is when you share something someone else wrote. RTC- A retweet with comment is when you share something written by someone else and include your own message in the quote box above the original tweet. Like- you like or support what someone posted.



12 Hashtags & Direct Messages
Hashtag- The hashtag is a way to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. For ex., if you were tweeting about Utah Education use #UTed something to do with education policy or #UTpol for Utah politics. For tweets about this conference use DM- A direct message (DM) is sent between users, not shown publicly on the timeline. You can only DM another user if they follow you. Additional examples: -DM A direct message (DM) is sent between users, not shown publicly on the timeline. You can only DM another user if they follow you. -#FF- One of the most common hashtags you’ll see is #FF which is short for Follow Friday. Basically, #FF is for suggesting people you should subscribe to (follow) on Twitter.

13 Direct Message Connections

14 Participating in Twitter Chats

15 Intended Professional Learning Outcomes
Practice basic functionality of a Twitter chat Participate in a live Twitter chat

16 A Twitter Chat is a live online discussion using Twitter
A Twitter Chat is a live online discussion using Twitter. Every post is a tweet. Because it's on Twitter, it’s public and open to everyone with a Twitter account. Anyone can participate or just ‘listen in’ (aka lurk) to learn more about the topic.

17 Twitter Chat: How? SEARCH for the chat hashtag (e.g. #UTEdchat).
LOOK for posted questions (Q#). RESPOND to the chat questions (A#). [reply or retweet with comment] Be sure to INCLUDE the hashtag. For example: -Hold discussions around a particular topic (#edchat) -Mobilize people around a cause (#SupportTheCore) -Monitor events happening in real time (#worldcup)

18 What does this look like?
Make sure you are part of the CURRENT conversation by clicking on “latest” Find the chat by searching for the hashtag Ex: #UTedchat For example: -Hold discussions around a particular topic (#edchat) -Mobilize people around a cause (#SupportTheCore) -Monitor events happening in real time (#worldcup)

19 Getting Started Search for the hashtag #UEAchat in the search bar
Select Latest to follow the chat Answer the questions as they are posted, making sure to always include #UEAchat Like and retweet/retweet with quote when appropriate (refer to Introduction to Twitter Resource Guide if needed)

20 Practice chat YOUR TASK: QUESTIONS (#UEAchat)
Reply to each question using the A# format Comment on at least two other responses Retweet one response you agree with Retweet and comment on one response QUESTIONS (#UEAchat) Q1: In what ways is UEA a professional organization and not ‘just a union?’ Q2: How does UEA support student learning and growth? Q3: What questions do you still have on Twitter chats?

21 Recommended chats... Wednesdays, 9-10 pm #UTEdchat (Utah specific)
Thursdays, 5 pm #edchat (general education topics) Mondays, 5 pm #sschat (Social Studies specific) You can find many topics - search “Twitter chats”

22 Don’t forget, Twitter chats...
Provide quick, on-demand professional learning Expose you to educators you never knew existed and deepen your networks Enable participants to share their passion, interests and expertise

23 - Aaron Hogan

24 Let’s Reflect What was easy and why was it easy for you?
What was difficult and were you able to find a solution? Did any common themes emerge? How could Twitter chats support UEA engagement and teacher learning?

25 Virtual Resources ISTE article: 40 Twitter chats worth your time Tweetdeck (to follow multiple chats on your computer): Twitter Basics for Teachers (from our HSG friends in Kentucky Discuss examples from guide and breakdown a previous chat for an example.

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