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Warm Up Q: What historical event is the song “All For You, Sophia” referring to? Give examples from the lyrics to explain. Write the question but bullet.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Q: What historical event is the song “All For You, Sophia” referring to? Give examples from the lyrics to explain. Write the question but bullet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Q: What historical event is the song “All For You, Sophia” referring to? Give examples from the lyrics to explain. Write the question but bullet point responses are OK

2 Causes of World War I

3 Immediate Cause of WWI Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand - June 28th, 2914 While not very well liked (including his father, the emperor of Austria-Hungary), he symbolized the A-H Empire and therefore was a target to people who didn’t like them. Serbs in A-H wanted their own nation (Serbia) or to join the nation of Serbia, so attacking the heir was like attacking the powers that they wanted to rebel against. Black Hand – radical Serbian group that wanted to cede territories from A-H to the Serbian nation – again, nationalism raises its head and causes problems As a reaction to the assassination, A-H made a list of demands to the country of Serbia as a means to punish them for the murder. In it, the Serbians were to lose their autonomy and become part of the A-H Empire, which they were not going to agree to. They ultimately refuse to sign the list of demands, which is why A-H declares war on Serbia on July 28th, This starts the series of events that leads to what we now call WWI.

4 The M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism
While there are immediate causes for WWI, there are also four main underlying causes: Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

5 The MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism: the policy of glorifying military power and keeping a large standing army prepared for war Issues stemmed from the unification of Germany in the later half of the 19th Century - warmongering, and a fear that Germany would potentially invade. This causes the war because when a country starts spending money on building up their army, the neighboring countries might get worried and then start building up their own army, and then all the countries in a region are ready and waiting for the accidental spark

6 The MAIN Causes of WWI Alliances – an agreement between countries to help one another out and not fight one another Triple Alliance - Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany Triple Entente - France, Britain, Russia This can cause a domino effect as a small sqwabble turns into a brawl as more countries get involved in the conflict

7 The MAIN Causes of WWI Imperialism – a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries for more territory and resources Scramble for Africa - France and Britain had the most territory, which was a point of pride for the country. Germany was late to the game and didn’t have as many colonies as they wanted, which left them feeling envious of other countries, heightening the tension between them. Also, Italy lost control over Ethiopia (which is why it was one of the only independent states in Africa) which meant they had something to prove to the other European nations to show they are on the same level as the others The need for resources also created conflicts between nations because of what colonies were owned and what resources they provided

8 The MAIN Causes of WWI Nationalism– the belief that people should have devotion and pride in one’s nation Because of the creation of states like Germany and Italy, as well as nationalist movements in France and Russia, these countries wanted to prove that they were the best. The people of these nations wanted to join up in the fervor (and the war) to prove that their nation was the best and the strongest.

9 Causes of WWI - M.A.I.N. foldable
Fold the paper lengthwise (“hotdog”) with an inch strip on the lower side of the fold On the strip, title it “Causes of World War I” Divide the front panels into 4 parts and write the four causes of WWI (Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism) Under each flap, on top draw a picture of each cause – in color!! Under each flap, on the bottom write the definition and an explanation of why it is a cause (1-2 sentences)

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