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Operation Market-Garden

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1 Operation Market-Garden
The goal was to get across the Rhine River




5 The bridge over the Rhine at Arnhem

6 Operation Market Garden it was partially successful – in reality it was an Allied defeat
It would be months before the Allies could cross the Rhine River

7 operational jet fighter
Me-262 Worlds first operational jet fighter If they had been used in large numbers against the Bombers it could have made a big difference – but fortunately Hitler meddled in their production.

8 Capture of Aachen, first German city to fall


10 McArthur Return’s Invasion of the Philippines Battle of Leyte Gulf

11 McArthur’s return to the Philippines.

12 Battle of Leyte Gulf

13 Battle of Leyte Gulf Largest naval battle in history
Losses U.S. 6 ships, Japan 26 ships Navy Large carriers Small Carriers Aircraft Battle ships Cruisers Destroyers United States 8 24  1712 12  24 141  Japan 1 117 9  20 34

14 FDR reelected for unprecedented 4th term
Looking haggard and run down by 1944.

15 Battle of the Bulge 16 December to 25 January
The situation for Germany – Russians were approaching Germany, the Americans and British were on the other border. Hitler was desperate to turn the situation around


17 Hitler gathered up the remaining armored divisions and wanted to attack.
There were so many Russians, an attack in that direction would hardly be a drop in the bucket. However these troops could make a difference vs the Anglo-Americans.

18 The plan was to attack in a quiet sector of the lines through a heavily forested mountain region that no one expected. They also planned the attack to coincide with a period of bad weather so the allies couldn’t use their superior air power.

19 The Germans took the American’s completely by surprise.
They captured large numbers of American troops. The Germans were counting on capturing American gas depots The 101st Airborne Division got cut off and surrounded at a town called Bastogne. When the Germans invited the American’s to surrender, the American commander replied “Nuts!”





24 The shape of the battle gave its name to the battle.
Patton turned his Army north and relieved the troops at Bastogne. The German attack was spent after a week. It took the allies another month to restore the lines to their original point

25 Significance – Last German offensive of the war.
Hitler threw away the remaining armored strength of Germany The battle actually hastened the end of the war because if the forces used in the Battle of the Bulge had been used on the defensive, they could have delayed the allies.

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