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II. Cell Parts (continued)

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1 II. Cell Parts (continued)

2 Structures not in common –
What are the 3 plant “extras”? Figure: 04-15 Title: Common Structures in Animal and Plant Cells Caption: Common Structures in Animal and Plant Cells.

3 A Plant Cell Has: Cell wall Chloroplasts Central vacuole

4 D. Plant Organelles Plastids Site of photosynthesis
Plant makes its own food from sunlight Contain colored pigments Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is green Have their own DNA and ribosomes

5 Cell walls Rigid Allow trees to grow tall Made of Cellulose

6 Central Vacuole Central Vacuole Acts as water storage for plants
Contains: Wastes Food Digestive enzymes Takes up most of the plant cell’s volume Central Vacuole

7 E. Cytosol Non-living fluid in cells Cytoplasm Like half jelled Jell-o
= Cytosol + Organelles

8 F. Cytoskeleton Cell’s “structure” Functions Cell shape
Moving organelles around Cell locomotion Cillia & Flagella Similar to an outboard motor

9 F. Cytoskeleton Three Tubule types Microfilaments Intermediate fibers

10 G. Plasma Membrane Cell’s “Security Gate” Made of Phospholipids
Selectively Permeable Allows only some things to pass through Made of Phospholipids Surrounds animal and plant cells

11 H. Origin of Organelles Endosymbiote theory Lynn Margulis
Proposed by Lynn Margulis For Mitochondria and Plastids Ribosomes and DNA look like what’s in bacteria. They may have been bacteria Moved in to larger cells to cooperate Lynn Margulis

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