WHAT IS VET? VET = Vocational Education + Training

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2 WHAT IS VET? VET = Vocational Education + Training
Work (Vocational) Education in a particular field that you have chosen Training in the skills you need for this particular field by an experienced trainer/teacher Practical (skills) assessment based education

3 Why study VET? Vocational Education & Training is designed to help your transition from school to the workplace. They contain different learning and assessment, this is so you are workplace ready.

4 VET MMC All of the VET subjects offered at Mt Maria college can lead to a nationally recognised qualification. You will receive a CERTIFICATE if you complete ALL the units in your certificate. You will receive a STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT for the units you complete if you don’t fully complete your certificate. You will receive 2-8 QCE points depending on the level of course you complete.

5 Australian Qualifications Framework
Click through to AQF website

6 Your HANDBOOK The ‘Student Handbook’ – is available on the MMC VET website - contains important information about your VET course. It explains your rights and responsibilities as a vet student. Not all rules are in this book and if you need further information you should see your Teacher or VET Program Leader. Your standard school rules and policies also apply even though you are a VET student, these are in the front of your school diary.

7 Certificate Subject differences
Competency tracking Assessment non-submission Assessment re-submission Certificate Census Catch up Student reports NO Special Provision in VET

8 How do I find out what I will be doing in my course & what is assessed?
You will be advised which units you will be studying and how they will be assessed by your subject teacher. You can also access this information in your TAS document on the moodle/elearning page.

9 Study? VET is quite different from some school subjects.
There is provision to assess you in different ways if you have difficulty with language or numeracy. If you need additional assistance you should discuss this with your VET teacher.

10 Your VET Experience MMC will provide you with all the tools you need to confidently work towards completing your qualification. These can be accessed on your Elearning platform. Tools include: Access to Lectures, Videos, and Activities TAS Unit Plans Assessment (online) Assessment Instructions Assessment submission

11 How are you assessed? You can be assessed by: Role play Exam
Verbal questioning Practical exam Assignment Group work Work experience

12 Competency Based Assessment

13 Are you competent? ** Can you drive a Ferrari?

14 Can you drive EVERY type of Ferrari?

15 How do we know if you are competent?
Can you handle it at 300km/hr in pouring rain?

16 Elements of competency
Each ‘skill’ is separated into important ‘elements of competency’ YOU NEED TO DEMONSTRATE THE SKILLS SEVERAL WAYS……

17 Does that mean I need to show that I can do everything a racing car driver can?

18 Which elements & how many do I need to show….

19 Appeals You need to first discuss the outcome with your teacher. If you are unhappy you should take your concerns to the VET Program Leader.

20 Can I join a VET subject late?
YES, provided there are places available in the class. You may not complete a full certificate but you will be awarded the units of competency that you achieve. You will receive a Statement of Attainment and may be able to collect QCE points based on how much of the course you complete

21 Your ROLE Keep all evidence. Back up your work. Submit ON TIME
Cloud based storage Submit ON TIME Non Submission as per MMC policy Submission is online Unless otherwise stated Document what you do on work placement - logbook

22 Your Role…… If you do not understand any assessment given or any outcome you are to discuss this with your teacher. Let the teachers know if you have any special needs in relation to assessment.

23 Unique Student Identifier (USI)
From January 2015, each and every student undertaking VET must have a USI. If you do not have a USI: Please apply for one via the link below To create a USI, each student must have one item of ID from the list below: Driver’s Licence Medicare Card (this includes a current family Medicare card where student’s name is included). Australian Passport Visa (with non-Australian Passport) – for international students Birth Certificate (Australian)

24 Where to from here……. Work Further study Apprenticeship/Traineeship
work experience Further study Certificate courses University Apprenticeship/Traineeship Work & Study

25 Induction Complete? Not quite…..
You and your Parent/Guardian must sign the form given to you to acknowledge your induction into this MMCVET Course Please return the form to the VET Office by Friday

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