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The Great War.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great War."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great War

2 What lingering issues remain from last era?
German-French rivalry Nationalism in Austria-Hungary Nationalism in Ottoman Empire Russia on the verge of revolt

3 Causes 1.) Alliance system Triple Alliance Triple Entente
Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary (1882) Central Powers Triple Entente France, Britain, Russia Allies

4 Causes 2.) Competition and Militarism Economic Militarism
Germany a powerhouse (scared Britain) Germany obtaining overseas holdings Russia is huge (scared Germany) Militarism Glorification of military Arms race Competition to build up armies and navies

5 Nationalism France hated Germany
Wanted Alsace and Lorraine back Russia sponsored Slavs against Austria-Hungary Threatened A-H and Ottomans Balkans were a “powder keg”

6 The Start (spark) Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to A-H throne) assassinated by Serbs (June 28, 1914) A-H took opportunity to crush Serbia Delivered ultimatum (final set of demands) Must end all anti-Austria movements Punish any Serbian official responsible Austria part of investigation Serbia refused, A-H declared war (July 28, 1914)

7 Alliances Kick In Russia mobilized to back Serbia
Germany declared war on Russia France declared war on Germany Back ally Russia Avenge Franco-Prussian War

8 Britain declares war on Germany in response to invasion of Belgium
Schlieffen Plan Defeat France quickly, then defeat Russia


10 Reaction to War Many rushed to enlist (Ended domestic problems)
Both sides thought they were making the world a better place Seemed very exciting (Nationalism!!) Expected “a splendid little war” “Home by Christmas!” (Ended domestic problems)

11 What were they getting into?
New Kind of War Schlieffen Plan failed Russia mobilized quickly French and British held off German advance (Miracle of the Marne) Each side dug trenches Trench Warfare Two-Front War Stalemate

12 Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”

13 New Technology Machine Gun Artillery Poison Gas (Germans first

14 Tanks (British first) Aircraft Zeppelins Gasoline powered biplanes

15 Submarines U-Boats Forced Allies to use convoys

16 What effect will this type of warfare have on the people?

17 A Multi-Front War

18 Multi-Front War Western Front France and Britain vs. Germany
Complete stalemate Major battles First Marne Verdun Somme

19 The Western Front

20 Multi-Front War Eastern Front Russia vs. Germany and Austria-Hungary
Russia lost at Tannenberg (stopped their advance) Much more mobile that Western front

21 Italy switched sides—joined Allies
General stalemate, but disastrous loss at Caporetto British and French rescued them

22 Multi-Front War Middle East Ottomans join Central Powers
Cut off shipping to Russia British and French attacked Gallipoli Campaign Incited revolts against Ottoman Turks Promised independence T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) Balfour Declaration

23 Winning the War A modern war required total war
Channel all resources into war effort Conscription (“the draft”) – young men required to join war effort. Rationing Major borrowing

24 Women and the War Factories Agriculture Nurses
Challenged idea that women can not handle demanding jobs Will give women the right to vote

25 1917 – Tides turn Russian Revolution takes off 1917
Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918 Germany could concentrate on Western Front Balance of forces shifted again United States joined April 1917

26 Economic Warfare Britain blockaded German ports Germans used U-boats
Confiscated contraband (also food and clothing) Germans used U-boats Sank Lusitania (1,200 dead, 128 Americans) Germany temporarily stopped

27 U. S. Declared War Why? Cultural ties Submarine warfare
Financial? Submarine warfare Lusitania 1915 Desperate by 1917, resumed unrestricted sub warfare Zimmermann Telegram British intercepted telegram from German ambassador to Mexico Mexico encouraged to declare war on United States

28 Impact of US Fresh troops and supplies Financial aid Morale boost
United States troops saw little combat 118,000

29 End of the War Austria Hungary and Ottomans near collapse (nationalist groups) Asked for peace Defeats purpose of Germany being in war (Second Battle of the Marne, 1918) Germans made a last ditch offensive Exhausted them Generals told Kaiser war could not be won Riots across Germany Kaiser stepped down

30 German generals told Kaiser war could not be won Riots across Germany
Kaiser stepped down

31 Armistice New German government agreed to end war
November 11, :00 AM

32 Peace Costs of war Flu pandemic

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