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Reform, War, and Inventions

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1 Reform, War, and Inventions
Chapter 8 Vocabulary Reform, War, and Inventions

2 Initiative (Legislative)
Let’s citizens pass laws themselves by getting signatures on a petition. The public will then vote on the law at the next election.

3 Referendum Allows citizens to vote for or against laws already passed by the legislature.

4 A way of removing an elected official from office.
Recall (voting) A way of removing an elected official from office.

5 Voting rights for women
Suffrage Movement Voting rights for women

6 Private ownership of land, property, and business
Capitalism Private ownership of land, property, and business

7 Government ownership of all land, property, and business
Communism Government ownership of all land, property, and business

8 Sabotage The destruction of company’s tools or materials so it can’t do business.

9 A person who takes it upon themselves to punish criminals.
Vigilantes A person who takes it upon themselves to punish criminals.

10 To prohibit any speech that would be considered disloyal.
Suppress To prohibit any speech that would be considered disloyal.

11 Making the production, sale, or buying of alcoholic drinks illegal.
Prohibition Making the production, sale, or buying of alcoholic drinks illegal.

12 Sedition Act Prohibited any speech that was “disloyal, profane…or abusive” about the government flag, Constitution, or armed forces.

13 Harnessing water’s kinetic energy to produce electric power
Hydropower Harnessing water’s kinetic energy to produce electric power

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