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Organisms and Their Environments

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Presentation on theme: "Organisms and Their Environments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisms and Their Environments
Principles of Ecology Organisms and Their Environments

2 Ecology The study of the interactions of organisms and their environment

3 Biosphere The portion of the Earth that supports life.
Many different environments exist here. Bio = life

4 NOTE: All organisms depend on others for food, shelter, reproduction and protection. We must study an organism’s relationship with other organisms at different levels to see how different factors affect them.

5 Levels of Biological Organization

6 Organism

7 Population A group of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same area.

8 Community A collection of populations that interact with one another.

9 Ecosystem Interactions of a community and its abiotic factors

10 Biome A collection of similar ecosystems

11 Biosphere Interactions of all ecosystems on the planet.


13 Niche vs. Habitat

14 Niche The role a species plays in a community.
Includes the space, food, and other conditions the organism needs to survive.

15 Bay-Breasted Warbler Feeds in the middle part of the tree Yellow-Rumped Warbler Feeds in the lower part of the tree and at the bases of the middle branches Cape May Warbler Feeds at the tips of branches near the top of the tree Spruce tree

16 Habitat The place where the organism lives.

17 NOTE: Several species may share a habitat, but the food, shelter, and resources of that habitat are divided into separate niches.

18 Quick review

19  What is the portion of the earth that supports life called?
Give 2 examples of abiotic factors. What do you call the role a species plays in its environment? Biosphere Niche

20 What is formed by several populations that interact with each other?
What do you call a community and its abiotic factors? List the levels of biological organization from smallest to largest. Community Ecosystem OPCEB B

21 What do you call an organism that can make its own food?
What direction does energy flow thru an ecosystem? What do you call an organism that eats both animals and plants? What do you call an organism that absorbs nutrients from dead organisms? autotroph Producer  consumer omnivore detrivore

22 Interactions between Organisms

23 Predation An interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism.


25 Symbiosis Close and permanent relationships between organisms

26 Commensalism One species benefits and the other is not harmed or benefited.

27 Crab sheltering in carpet of a sea anemone

28 Mutualism Both species benefit.

29 Golden damselfish being cleaned by 2 different cleaner fish- both parties benefit.

30 Parasitism One species benefits and the other is harmed.

31 Mosquitoes are a parasite
Mosquitoes are a parasite. They benefit from our blood and we are harmed by the bite and/or transmitted disease.

32 These are common parasites.
Lice, Hookworms, Fleas, Ticks, Leeches

33 NOTE: Energy and matter are constantly being recycled. A balance of everything going on in an ecosystem is called HOMEOSTASIS.

34 Quick Review

35 Describe commensalism. Describe mutualism. Describe parasitism.
One organism benefits, the other is neither harmed or benefited. Both organisms benefit. One organism benefits, the other is harmed.

36 What do you call a feeding step in a food chain?
How is a food chain different from a food web? Balance = _____________ Trophic level Food chain shows only one possible route for energy transfer. Homeostasis

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