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SWSOFT GLOBAL HOSTING SUMMIT 2006 May 31, 2006 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m SiteBuilder Sören von Varchmin, Managing Director International Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "SWSOFT GLOBAL HOSTING SUMMIT 2006 May 31, 2006 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m SiteBuilder Sören von Varchmin, Managing Director International Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWSOFT GLOBAL HOSTING SUMMIT 2006 May 31, 2006 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m SiteBuilder Sören von Varchmin, Managing Director International Operations

2 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 2 Agenda Why to use our SiteBuilder? Live Demo SiteBuilder Roadmap Questions & Answers

3 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 3 SiteBuilder Benefits Service Provider Benefits Attract a whole new class of customers with new offerings Best value in the industry Fast implementation (out-of-box solution), no specific infrastructure required Lower support costs – no additional training required Instant differentiation customizable and re-brandable to fit your service offerings Strong product roadmap Scalable End User Benefits Easy Solution - ability to build simple or advanced dynamic website in minutes No HTML experience required 300+ advanced design templates Easy to build blogs, photo galleries or other purpose specific sites Point and click WYSIWYG editing capabilities & advanced modules such as fully integrated website statistics

4 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 4 WEB.DE WEB.DE start page

5 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 5 123-Reg SiteBuilder page at w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 123-Reg 5

6 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 6 WebCentral.AU w w w. s w s o f t. c o m WebCentral 6

7 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 7 Sitebuilder is a commoditiest tool, every Hoster is offering it Sitebuilder is a tool to attract a target audience, which may would not consider to buy hosting initially SiteBuilder for Windows was developed in close collaboration between SWsoft and Microsoft SiteBuilder for Linux has momentum due to high market penetration (,, webcentral, etc…) Key competitive advantages (vs. CM4All, others) –Best value (FREE through September 30, 2006 for Windows-version; Affordable, inexpensive for Linux-version) –Best support (and updates), professional services for integration in inhouse- systems –Seamless integration with SWsoft products Plesk, Virtuozzo, HSPcomplete, PEM –Unprecedented ease of use –Hundreds of high quality templates Primary Using Points

8 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 8 Live Demo Switch to Demo

9 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 9 Promotion for Launches until July 31 st 2006 Sitebuilder Windows Support and Maintenance will be free of charge until Jan 31st, 2007 Sitebuilder Linux 1000 sites-version will be free of charge for first 6 months of use

10 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 10 Status Quo: 2.1.3 for Linux Admin Features: –External API –Site Management –Plan Management –Backup and Restore System –Reseller Management System. –Auto-update System End-User features: –E-commerce Capabilities via e-shop module –Blogs –Other modules: Forum, Guestbook, Counter, Voting, Forms, Photo Album, RSS Feeds, Flash Intro.

11 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 11 Status Quo: 3.1 for Windows Customizable site types (families) simplify the specific sites creation (Blogs & photo galleries) Design step features all the customizations in a single screen for the faster access Page modules are supported: –Allow for dynamic site structure –Much easier to add and setup Edit step greatly improved: –New WYSIWYG editor with drag-n-drop support –Instant preview of the block modules content within editor

12 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 12 Questions? ?

13 w w w. s w s o f t. c o m 13 Thank You Soeren von Varchmin, M. D. Int. Operations Anton Zlygostev, Product Manager

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