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Contents What is Joomla!? What can Joomla! Do? Who uses Joomla!? How will Joomla! help me? What are some advanced ways I can use Joomla? The Front End!

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2 Contents What is Joomla!? What can Joomla! Do? Who uses Joomla!? How will Joomla! help me? What are some advanced ways I can use Joomla? The Front End! The User Profile Page Modules and Extensions

3 Contents (cont.) The Back Side The Control Panel Administrator Area Templates Components Modules Making it your own. References

4 What is Joomla!? Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.

5 What can Joomla! Do? Joomla is used all over the world to power Web sites of all shapes and sizes. For example: Corporate Web sites or portals Corporate intranets and extranets Online magazines, newspapers, and publications E-commerce and online reservations Government applications Small business Web sites Non-profit and organizational Web sites Community-based portals School and church Web sites Personal or family homepages

6 Who uses Joomla!? Here are just a few examples of Web sites that use Joomla: United Nations (Governmental organization) - MTV Networks Quizilla (Social networking) - L.A. Weekly (Online publication) - http://www.laweekly.com IHOP (Restaurant chain) - http://www.ihop.com Harvard University (Educational) - http://gsas.harvard.edu Citibank (Financial institution intranet) - Not publicly accessible The Green Maven (Eco-resources) - Outdoor Photographer (Magazine) - (Cultural) - Senso Interiors (Furniture design) -

7 How will Joomla! help me? Joomla is designed to be easy to install and set up even if you're not an advanced user. Many Web hosting services offer a single-click install, getting your new site up and running in just a few minutes. Since Joomla is so easy to use, as a Web designer or developer, you can quickly build sites for your clients. Then, with a minimal amount of instruction, you can empower your clients to easily manage their own sites themselves. If your clients need specialized functionality, Joomla is highly extensible and thousands of extensions (most for free under the GPL license) are available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.GPL licenseJoomla Extensions Directory

8 What are some advanced ways I can use Joomla? Many companies and organizations have requirements that go beyond what is available in the basic Joomla package. In those cases, Joomla's powerful application framework makes it easy for developers to create sophisticated add-ons that extend the power of Joomla into virtually unlimited directions. The core Joomla framework enables developers to quickly and easily build: Inventory control systems Data reporting tools Application bridges Custom product catalogs Integrated e-commerce systems Complex business directories Reservation systems Communication tools Since Joomla is based on PHP and MySQL, you're building powerful applications on an open platform anyone can use, share, and support. To find out more information on leveraging the Joomla framework, visit the Joomla Developer Network.Joomla Developer Network.

9 The Front End!

10 The User Profile Page

11 Modules and Extensions

12 The Back Side

13 The Control Panel

14 Administrator Area One Stop for content management. Content, Components, Modules, and Users can be maintained through the control panel. Content can be managed by section or category. Components can be accessed and managed individually. Modules can be edited published and positioned. With a few clicks the whole look and feel of the site can be changed. –Site->Template Manager->Site Templates

15 Templates There are virtually millions of free templates available on the web for Joomla!. All joomla templates are customizable using css and the template editor included in Joomla! There are also Hundreds of thousands of Templates available for purchase.

16 Components Joomla! components add versatility and function to your site. Components come in a variety of functionality. Through the control panel you can mange the settings of your components. If you are not 100% satisfied with the components as they are, change them. They are written in PHP.

17 Modules Modules can be downloaded or created from scratch. To include php in the content of a page a module is needed. There are Hello World modules available to show how to create your own modules. Modules can be positioned any where on the screen provided a location has been created.

18 Making it your own. Joomla!s appeal is the ability to mold it into whatever you like. Modules, Components, and even the source code can be edited to do whatever it is that you need. With the thousands of extensions available many times you can avoid the hassles of writing a new application from scratch. When and if you do run into a brick wall Joomla! Also has a fantastic community and great documentation available for free. There are also books that are available about Joomla! That can make your use of this incredible tool even easier.

19 References Joomla! Website About Joomla! Getting Started Joomla Extensions Building Websites with Joomla! version-1-5/dp/1904811949 version-1-5/dp/1904811949 SiteGround Joomla! Tutorial Joomla ! Community Portal Joomla Template Tutorial tutorial.html tutorial.html

20 Thank You Joomla! and Open Source Matters. 822 Media, Inc. Chrispian Burks Keith Ford North Alabama Web Developers Charger IEEE

21 Review What is Joomla!? What can Joomla! Do? Who uses Joomla!? How will Joomla! help me? What are some advanced ways I can use Joomla? Modules and Extensions Templates Components Modules Making it your own. References

22 Questions?

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