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Presentation on theme: "THE FOOD PYRAMID By Leah Starck."— Presentation transcript:


2 TEKS 115.5. Health Education, Grade 3. A) Knowledge and Skills
1. Health Behaviors. The Student explains ways to enhance and maintain health throughout their lifespan. Student is expected to: A. Describe food combinations in a balanced diet such as a food pyramid.

3 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: UNIT QUESTION: What is a balanced diet?
What are the 6 different food groups in the food pyramid? Staying healthy includes a balanced diet, staying clean, getting plenty of exercise as well as keeping your heart strong and free of drugs.People who practice good nutrition, hygiene and exercise patterns develop a lifetime of habits that will keep them healthy for many years. Especially when they are older!

4 GRAINS Eat at least 6 servings a day!
The bottom level of the Pyramid is the largest level. Foods in this group contain iron, thiamin and niacin and some foods in this group contain B vitamins. The foods in this group give you the best fuel or energy for your body. Eat at least 6 servings a day!

5 VEGETABLE GROUP Eat at least 3 servings per day!
Just like fruits, vegetables are full of vitamins A & C and minerals your body needs for healthy skin, hair and eyes. Some vegetables also contain B vitamins and vitamin K. Eat at least 3 servings per day!

6 FRUIT GROUP Eat at least 2 servings per day!
Just like vegetables, fruits are full of vitamins A & C and minerals your body needs for healthy skin, hair and eyes. Eat at least 2 servings per day!

7 DAIRY GROUP Eat at least 2 servings per day!
Dairy products contain calcium, protein and riboflavin for your body. This help to give you strong bones and teeth. Always try to choose dairy products that are low in fat when it is possible.

8 MEAT GROUP Eat at least 2 servings per day!
Items in this food group contain plenty of B vitamins, protein, iron and thiamin to help your body grow strong. Dry beans and nuts are included in this group because of all the protein they contain. Always try to choose meat, poultry and fish products that are low in fat when it is possible.. Eat at least 2 servings per day!

The foods in the tip-top level of the Pyramid contain little or no nutrients for your body. This is why it is the smallest part on the Pyramid, to remind you that you should try not to eat too many foods from this group.


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