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Think for a second about the most crazy thing you have ever seen…

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Presentation on theme: "Think for a second about the most crazy thing you have ever seen…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Think for a second about the most crazy thing you have ever seen…

2 when something like THIS could be possible…
Imagine in the future… when something like THIS could be possible…

3 The future is now…

4 How did the scientists do it?


6 GENETICS the study of how traits are passed from one generation to the next

7 TRAIT a characteristic Examples: Plant size, seed color, pod shape

8 GENES Each feature of the pea plants is controlled by a gene. It may have a gene that controls its color, another for size and another for shape.

9 GENE the factors that control traits (found in the DNA)

10 Above you see chromosomes. The circled area is a gene on chromosome #22. The absence of this gene causes velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) which may cause ADD and mental illness

11 ALLELES Each gene comes in different forms called alleles, so the gene that controls flower color may come in two alleles: purple and white.

12 ALLELES different forms of a gene


14 GREGOR MENDEL The “father” of genetics Lived from 1822-1884
Austrian Monk Published his work in 1866, but no one took him seriously until 1900. Studied Pea Plants!


16 Mendel experimented with 7 different characteristics

17 Mendel Got Lucky for 2 Big Reasons
First, he had a lot of time…he was a monk. This let him do LOTS of experiments with the peas! Each trait had 2 options. This was key because he could tell if it was one way or the other.

18 HOMOZYGOUS organism with two identical alleles for the same trait (TT or tt)

19 HETEROZYGOUS organism with two different alleles for the same trait (Tt)

20 DOMINANT allele that is expressed when in the presence of a recessive allele (TT or Tt = tall)

21 RECESSIVE allele that is expressed only when homozygous (tt = short)

22 PHENOTYPE physical characteristics (Tall, Brown)

23 GENOTYPE the genetic makeup (TT, TtHh)

24 Dominant = T GENE = Height ALLELE = Tall, Short
Gene is represented by the letter “t” Dominant = T Recessive = t Remember you need 2 copies of every gene!!!

25 How can we determine what the offspring are going to be?


27 Reginald C. Punnett Inventor of the Punnett Square

28 PUNNETT SQUARES chart showing the possible combination of alleles in a cross

29 Punnett Squares show the probability of getting a certain type of offspring

30 THE PARENTS GENOTYPES DAD = Tt (heterozygous) MOM = Tt (heterozygous)

31 PUNNETT SQUARES t T T t T T T T t t t t

32 THE OFFSPRING GENOTYPES 1TT:2Tt:1tt (1:2:1) TT (homozygous dominant)
Tt (heterozygous) tt (homozygous recessive)

33 THE OFFSPRING PHENOTYPES 3 Tall :1 Short (3:1) TT (tall) Tt (tall)
tt (short)

34 Cross a homozygous dominant with a recessive (for height where T is dominant and tall). Find the genotype and the phenotype

35 Cross a heterozygote with a recessive (for height where T is dominant and tall). Find the genotype and the phenotype

36 Cross a heterozygote with another heterozygote (for nose size where big nose is N and small nose is n). Find the genotype and the phenotype

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