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Presentation on theme: "STREET WORKOUT(OVERVIEW 1)"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the StreetWorkout (SW)?
The StreetWorkout is a system of physical training, based on body weight movements. Consists of natural, but also methodical, perform the basic movements for what man has been designed.

3 What is the StreetWorkout (SW)?
The main objective of this sport is to develop all the capacity of the man in full and complete way, through physical practice and not only to try to foster qualities such as strength and resistance, but also the create art with your body and at the same time develop partly upper and lower muscles of the same Ultimately the StreetWorkout offers the possibility of achieving health, an incredible body, exceptional movements and consequently a different lifestyle.

4 Why emphasizes the SW? First of all, because you can practise in parks, gyms, offices and mostly outdoors, and all this just use your body and a bar hanging and in some cases, cardio, a leather cord. In addition, practicing calisthenics, from a physical point of view, you will manage to develop your body in a balanced and functional. And what stands out in this sport, that do not set any limits on age or sex. "When the road is your gym, the sky is the limit."

5 What is? Recently, it has become very popular because of its simplicity. Within the armed forces of the United States have adopted this discipline to his routine of physical conditioning for recruits. It usually consists of the set of exercises designed to strengthen the core of the body or a specific area. It is a combination between strength training and cardiovascular workout, because it elevates the heart rate significantly, but is more an exercise in positions and resistance to power.

6 What is? It comes from the Greek KALLO (beauty) and STHENOS (Fortress). The calisthenics offers great capacity to maximize your potential in proper alignment and posture. He avoids injuries since not complemented with hops or jumps as other popular exercises today. In fact the calisthenics is recommended for those who wish to tone up, have better resistance, increase muscle mass and mark the body. It has no boundaries of age or strength, because it does not require impact.


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