Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Languages (DRACL)

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Presentation on theme: "Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Languages (DRACL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Languages (DRACL)
UK Delegation Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Languages (DRACL) Developing the UK’s Culture and Language Capability Lt Col Craig Mullen MSc AGC (SPS) SO1 DRACL & Major Lee Baines AGC (ETS) SO2 DRACL Introduction – Lt Col Craig Mullen & Maj Lee Baines Today we are going to talk about developing the UK’s C&L capability. I lead the Defence Requirements authority for C&L with the acronym DRACL SLIDE BILC briefing – 23 May 16 Joint Force Development & Defence Academy JFC IM GUIDING PRINCIPLES

2 SO1 Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Language (DRACL)
therefore that makes me the SO1 DRACL or prince of darkness! The UK has recently changed its approach to C&L – but more of that later. Historically the UK had a different view. SO1 Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Language (DRACL)


4 Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Languages (DRACL)
UK Delegation Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Languages (DRACL) Developing the UK’s Culture and Language Capability Lt Col Craig Mullen MSc AGC (SPS) SO1 DRACL & Major Lee Baines AGC (ETS) SO2 DRACL The UK experience in IRAQ and Afghanistan has really brought home the value of foriegn language ability and cultural awareness. At 4star level it has been decided that foreign language capability is to be seen as a core competence for British military personnel. It is important to get 4star buy in so that there is appropraite authority to drive this concept forward throughout UK Defence. BILC briefing – 23 May 16 Joint Force Development & Defence Academy JFC IM GUIDING PRINCIPLES

5 Foreign Language Training English Language Training
DRACL - Key Outputs Support Governance Exams DSAT Language Awards Culture Foreign Language Training English Language Training This is what we are going to cover today. FLT, ELT and Cul are the three large capability areas we support. Exams – MoDLEB – Setting/Admin/Timetables/Selection (Cre-Indep)/Moderation Language Data– Capture & Analysis Awards – Administer/Monitor/Analysis/Arbitrate And we support the C&L governance structure And we will leave time for questions.

6 3* PJHQ Stakeholders DRACL 4* JFC Army Navy RAF MOD CS DE & S MOD (OPS DIR) JACIG 1* DSF SO1 DCSU DBS / NSV (CONDO) DE C4ISR BIGWORD 3* DJW / TRA Navy Pers IDT SO1 DCLC 1* T&E 2* DefAc 3* JFD & DefAc AWC IDT (22 Trg GP) Sec CON OPS (DIP DA) ED & CD NATO / NEP Our stakeholders are numerous and span Defence, OGD and civilian contractors. It is important that we develop good working relations with each stakeholder, understand their individual requirements and tailor our support to them accordingly. IDT (ARTD) ADOC CPU DEF S

7 FY 15/16 Language % tested by Service
Shows the % of MoDLEBs sat by each Service for the current FY Total of 377 individual MoDLEBS covering 30 different languages Army – 277 RAF – 52 Naval Service - 48

8 Shows % comparison between SOTR Course Students & Independent candidates who sat the MoDLEB during FY 15/16 (includes predicted numbers for the Mar 16 MoDLEB) 108 Course (SOTR) 269 Independent

9 Headlines: Shows how many of each language was tested during FY 15/16
30 different languages tested French 31% of all languages tested - Yet not recognised as Operational Lang for financial awards. Op languages (Arabic, Pashto, Dari, Farsi & Somali only account for 29% of total tested) JFC IM GUIDING PRINCIPLES

10 Capability map

11 English Language Wing Offers:
Pre-Sandhurst Military and English training 12-week British Military English Courses 4-week short courses at levels SLP2,3 and 4 12-week Preparation Course for Advanced Command & Staff Course 6-week Preparation Course for Royal College of Defence Studies In-country English training (Kuwait) 3-week English Teacher Refresher Courses 4-week intensive Cambridge CELTA Course Joint Services Command and Staff College © Crown Copyright

12 English Language Training
Students 2014 – 241 2015 – 336 (17% increase) Top three countries Czech – 53 Kuwait – 38 Ukraine/Oman – 11 4 Types of Course Command DE National programmes English trainer Bespoke Maj Baines to present: Comment on the students numbers and countries dealt with Command Course egs Pre-RMAS, Pre-ACSC, Pre RCDS DE egs British Mil Engagement Teams, French NRE, Technical Lang Course National Programmes eg Czech Short courses, In Kuwait Lang Trg English Trainer egs TTT, CELTA (Cert in English Language Teaching) Bespoke, ie miscellaneous on demand.

13 Cultural Training Culture Competency Framework
Specialist Competent Awareness CS2a Course – 80 personnel per annum CPC (Cultural Practitioners Course) Maj Baines to present: Culture Framework talked through. Expert – CS2A course designed to train these personnel. Competent – CPC course designed to train these personnel. Awareness – All personnel should have this and trained through sS Phase 1 and Command courses. Pass to Mr Wright

14 Language Award Schemes
Defence Operational Language Award Scheme (DOLAS) Basic Language Award Scheme (BLAS) FY 14/15 total spend £1,404,100 FY 15/16 spend to date £819,144 £360 (L2 French) to £11,700 (L4 Arabic) Sole authority for payments Maintenance of Language Award databases Def Op Lang Award Scheme (Arabic, Pashto, Dari/Farsi & Somali) + 42 other languages of interest to Def Basic Lang Award Scheme To incentivise, encourage declaration of proficiency and maintenance of skill Not paid to Native speakers or for Ed Quals – even Degree level Languages are split into 3 categories based on difficulty to learn. Gp 1 Hardest – Middle Eastern and Far East Languages. Gp 3 Easiest - Western European and Scandinavian. Gp 2 Russian, Eastern European, Serb/Croat, Turkey Greek etc) Initial Qualification Re-qualification (subject to criteria) Incremental Active Use Award (Deployed) Active Use Award (Non-Deployed) Support of RFIs & PQs

15 Governance Structure Flow Chart
DRACL is the custodian of Culture and Language for DEFENCE. ACDS OPS is the 2* Champion and SRO for Culture and Language capability Steering Gp – chaired by the SRO and functions as C&L Programme Board, taking direction from JUIB WG – chaired by JFC JW AH Jt User and is responsible for staffing Development and Delivery functions of C&L Capability programme. DRACL supports the Governance Structure which is the Authority for Culture and Language capability

16 DRACL DSAT Foreign Language Training (FLT) English Language Training (ELT) Culture Training Authorisation Document (TrAD) Statement of Trained Reqt External Validation Training Needs Analysis Having completed my initial estimate it was clear that there was not sufficient DSAT rigour in the capability area of C&L. In simple terms this is how DRACL is involved in the DSAT. The Iceberg – How many courses x levels x ranks = ?? Lines on the SOTR DSAT process JFC IM GUIDING PRINCIPLES

17 Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT)
1. Analysis Analysis is the first part of the DSAT process and is usually trigger by an evidence-based Statement of Requirement (SOR), reflecting the need for a new or revised analysis of the requirements of a job. 2. Design The Design stage follows the Analysis stage and is itself split into 2 different stages, taken from the Role PS. STAGE 1 Formal Training Statement (FTS) Consists of: A. Training Needs Analysis Steering Gp (TNASG) Training Objectives (TOs) Training Performance Statement (TPS) Workplace Statement (WTS) Residual Training Gap Statement (RTGS) STAGE 1 Scoping Exercise Enabling Objectives (EO) & Key Learning Points (KLPs) TrAD Raised Analysis Design Delivery Evaluation STAGE 2 Assessment Strategy (AStrat) Assessment Specification (Aspec Knowledge, Skills and Attitude (KSA) Learning Scalar Methods & Media Analysis Role Analysis (RA) which then creates the Role Performance Statement (RPS) STAGE 2 DSAT Task Analysis OR Competence Analysis. Training Design Review Training Gap Analysis (TGA) Trained Output Requirement Review 3. Delivery The key output of the delivery stage is manpower trained to the required standard, specified as TOs in the FTS. This is achieved through the delivery and evaluation of the trg by various personnel within the organisation. 4. Evaluation Training Needs Report (TNR) Maj Baines to present: Build up slide staring with the DSAT circle in the middle then followed by Analysis (Green), Design (Pink), Delivery (Orange) and Evaluation (Purple). All colour coding is direct from the amended JSP 822. Same as the following: TRA Responsibility is Yellow TDA Responsibility is Brown Trg Provider Responsibility is Light Blue External miscellaneous is Red (Not from JSP, this was Maj Baines’s choice). The point of the slide is to impress the amount of stages in the DSAT process and the yellow areas that are the responsibility of the TRA (without the other areas that DRACL has). Pass to Linda Return Of Investment (ROI) Training Needs Evaluation (TNE) Statement of Training Task (SOTT) Statement of Trained Requirement (SOTR) Defence Culture & Language (DC&L) Governance Structure Internal Validation (InVal) Trainee and Trainer Management Risk/Assumption Management Defence Trainer Capability (DTC) Continuous Improvement (CI) External Validation (ExVal) Training Preparation Lesson Planning Programming Resourcing 1st Party Audit (1PA) 2nd Party Audit (2PA) 3rd Party Audit (3PA) External Training Quality Manual (QM) Pipeline Management. Service Command responsibility to ensure correct numbers and types of personnel Commander’s Risk Assessment (CRA) Piloting Management of Training Deficiency

18 The Future - DRACL DRACL DRACL 10 Staff Training Reqt Authority Agent
C&L Capability Custodian DSAT Compliance Culture, Foreign & English Language Training: Training Needs Analysis Training Needs Report Role Performance Statement Training Authority Document Statement of Trained Requirement Formal Training Statement External Validation Governance & Policy Exams Awards JPA 11 Staff Force Generate Military Linguists Foreign Language Training Statement of Trained Requirement Exams Awards JPA FGen was the main role of DRACL until Oct 13 The ExVal role has only been started under DRACL from last year and hasn’t been properly worked up yet. Gov & Pol is also an area that has been just started in DRACL, this is going through flux at the moment due to Governance changes.

19 Key Points - Takeaways Culture and Language (C&L) now a core competence for UK. Greater scrutiny from 4 star down. DRACL is custodian of C&L Capability for UK Defence and acts as TRAs agent. Bringing DSAT Compliance to C&L Supporting sS in C&L Capability development Manage circa £2M Lang Exam contract Manage Language Awards spend circa £1.5M Exam Contract 2+1+1 Huge output across Defence JPA Data for all SP (C&L core competence across Def) DSAT compliance (TNA, RPS, FTS etc) 87 courses for C&L generates > 2K data TrAD “Iceberg” Including delivery of 450+ exams covering 40 + Langs

20 SO1 Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Language (DRACL)
Questions? therefore that makes me the SO1 DRACL or prince of darkness! The UK has recently changed its approach to C&L – but more of that later. Historically the UK had a different view. SO1 Defence Requirements Authority for Culture and Language (DRACL)

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