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Conference Transform Denmark

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1 Conference Transform Denmark
The role of labour in the fight against climate change Asbjørn Wahl Spesialrådgiver 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark

2 The climate crisis changes it all
13. september 2011 The climate crisis changes it all 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

3 A multiplicity of crises
13. september 2011 A multiplicity of crises The climate crisis represents a planetary emergency In addition, it is accompanied by a number of other crises – economic, social, political, over food etc. These crises have many of the same root causes which call for major social transformation They represent both threats and opportunities Can contribute to strengthen mobilisation The political situation is both turbulent and open 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

4 An interest-based struggle
13. september 2011 An interest-based struggle The situation is more serious than ever Emissions have increased with 60% since – which indicates that the crisis does not seem to be avoided under current social relations The crisis will have massive social consequences Thus, it will be at the core of the social struggle «The only way to avoid the pessimistic scenarios will be radical transformations in the ways the global economy currently functions» (PWC) 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

5 Conference Transform Denmark
13. september 2011 Technology – or power? The climate problem – not primarily technological, first and foremost a social and political question We have most of what is required in terms of technology and knowledge to avert a climate crisis It is the power to translate words into action that will pose the greatest challenge This is a question of power and ownership – in other words a fight about social power 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

6 We need a systemic approach
13. september 2011 We need a systemic approach Endless economic growth and ruthless exploitation of resources are embedded in the capitalist economy Capitalism without growth is capitalism in crisis A narrow focus on environmental policy will not suffice A much broader systemic approach is needed – the way we organize our production and our economy We need democratic control of the economy Thus, as socialists we also face an opportunity – to address the fundamental questions of our time 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

7 Redistribution of wealth
13. september 2011 Redistribution of wealth Climate policy cannot be reduced to a question of sacrifice, of what we must give up of hard-won rights The struggle is about creating a better society for all Under neo-liberalism, the balance of power has shifted dramatically - wealth has been concentrated in a way which is unprecedented in our entire history The climate struggle therefore has to go hand in hand with a radical redistribution of wealth – from the North to the South, and from the rich to the poor 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

8 Conference Transform Denmark
13. september 2011 2013: Hurricane Haiyan Philippines 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

9 The role of the working class
13. september 2011 The role of the working class It is due to its strategic position in society that the role of the working class is so crucial The organisational strength of the working class is decisive in order to win the climate struggle However, trade unions are on the defensive all over and in a deep political and ideological crisis Our climate policy and the demand of the political left must reflect this situation 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

10 Conference Transform Denmark
13. september 2011 Cimate change and jobs Many are, understandably, afraid of losing their jobs as a result of climate change mitigation measures All serious research, however, proves that climate change mitigation creates more jobs than it destroys Global Climate Jobs networks are being set up «One Million Climate Jobs» in the UK was the first Now also existing in South Africa, Portugal, the Philippines, Canada, Norway, Mauritius… 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

11 The problems of trade unions
13. september 2011 The problems of trade unions Different immediate interests: Between workers within different modes of energy production (fossil, renewable, nuclear) Between private industry and public sector Between different transport modes Between narrow syndicalism and trade unions with a broader social committement Workers need a guaranty for jobs and income Vulnerable groups must be compensated 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

12 Transport as an example
13. september 2011 Transport as an example There are three ways to cut emissions from transport, the «Reduce - Shift – Improve» strategy: Better technology («the technological fix») To shift from transport modes with high emissions to modes with lower emissions («the modal shift») To reduce the need for transport But transport needs are created outside the transport sector – the way we produce, distribute and consume is decisive – so we need ‘a whole economy’ approach Every 5-6 year, the IPCC publish a report. All of them have been more serious and alarming than the previous one. Global warming happens faster – and gives more damaging effects. We are getting faster to so-called tipping points (points in which the climate starts to og crazy) - f.ex. When the Siberian tundra starts to melt, or the snow and ice disappear from Greenland, the North Pole. 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

13 Climate policy = energy policy
13. september 2011 Climate policy = energy policy Fossil fuel is the main source of GHG emissions So climate policy is first and foremost energy policy A rapid and just transition of our energy system require that it is brought under democratic control This will bring us in confrontation with some of the most powerful economic interests in the world Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is set up to develop policies and alliances for this struggle 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

14 Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
13. september 2011 Trade Unions for Energy Democracy Established at a meeting in NY in October 2012 Founding document: Resist, Reclaim, Restructure Secretariat in the Murphy Institute at CUNY By now about 60 trade unions from 17 countries «Transition to a just, sustainable energy system can only happen if we are able to shift the balance of power decisively in favour of workers, communities and the public sector» 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

15 Fight against consumerism
13. september 2011 Fight against consumerism How the neo-liberals see the human being We will mainly pursue our self-interests We only do our best under competition Advertising focuses on wealth and happiness, but only offer us «false satisfaction of real needs» Cannot be faught by moralism, but through collective actions to get control of our own lives Solidarity, cooperation and responsibility must replace egoism, competition and consumerism 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

16 Benefits of climate change policies
13. september 2011 Benefits of climate change policies Benefits of an environmental sustainable society: Thousands of new jobs will be created in public transport, renewable energy and house retrofitting Less polluted workplaces and communities A sustainable use of our natural resources should contribute to giving us shorter working hours Increased democratic control of the economy will reduce competition and pressure at work De-commodification of social reproduction 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

17 Broad popular alliances
13. september 2011 Broad popular alliances To succeed in this struggle, we need to build long-term, broad popular alliances – particularly between the labour and the environmental movement Climate struggle is about democratisation, redistri-bution of wealth, free use of our common knowledge To save the climate, we must change society – only then can we create the necessary conditions for a better life for all – including our descendants 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

18 Alliances for system-change
13. september 2011 Alliances for system-change Climate struggle is about democratisation, re-distribution, free use of our common knowledge This can only be achieved if we are able considerably to shift the balance of power We have to unify movements and struggles – particularly the social with the climate struggle To save the climate requires system change – only then can we create the necessary condition for a better life for all, including our descendants 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

19 Conference Transform Denmark
13. september 2011 NY 2012: Hurricane Sandy 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

20 Conference Transform Denmark
13. september 2011 NY 2012: Hurricane Sandy 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

21 Conference Transform Denmark
13. september 2011 NY 2014: marching 17. mars 2018 Conference Transform Denmark NOFS' privatiseringskonferanse

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