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Operant Conditioning The learning is NOT passive.

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2 Operant Conditioning The learning is NOT passive.
Learning based on actions and consequences!!!

3 The Law of Effect Edward Thorndike.
Locked cats in a cage & when they stumbled on the lever they would be released. Eventually, cage time would decrease bc the kitties figured out that lever = freeeeeeeeeeedom! Behavior changes because of its consequences. Rewards strengthen behavior. If consequences are unpleasant, the Stimulus-Reward connection will weaken. Called the whole process instrumental learning.

4 B.F. Skinner The Mac Daddy of Operant Conditioning.
Nurture guy through and through. Used a Skinner Box (Operant Conditioning Chamber) to prove his concepts. He said we will do things to get rewarded.

5 Skinner Box

6 Key Ingredient = Reinforcement
A reinforcer is anything that INCREASES a behavior. Positive Reinforcement: The addition of something pleasant. Negative Reinforcement: The removal of something unpleasant. Two types of NR Escape Learning Avoidance Learning (Getting kicked out of class versus cutting class)

7 Positive or Negative? Putting your seatbelt on so the buzzer goes off.
Getting $5 for every A you get on a test. Having a headache and taking an aspirin. Faking sick to avoid your dreaded AP Psych class. Breaking out of jail to avoid the bad food. Getting a kiss for doing the dishes.

8 Punishment Meant to decrease a behavior. Positive Punishment:
Addition of something unpleasant. Ex. spanking Negative Punishment: Removal of something pleasant. Ex. Taking away your cell phone. Punishment works best when it is immediately done after the behavior and if it is harsh!

9 Primary vs. Secondary Reinforcers
Primary Reinforcer Secondary Reinforcer Things that are in themselves rewarding. Things we have learned to value. Money is a secondary reinforcer (because it can be traded for just about anything).

10 How do we actually use Operant Conditioning?
To train a dog to get your slippers, you would have to reinforce him in small steps. First, to find the slippers. Then to put them in his mouth. Then to bring them to you and so on…this is shaping behavior. Do we wait for the subject to deliver the desired behavior? Sometimes, we use a process called shaping. Shaping is reinforcing small steps on the way to the desired behavior. To get Barry to become a better student, you need to do more than give him a massage when he gets good grades. You have to give him massages when he studies for ten minutes, or for when he completes his homework. Small steps to get to the desired behavior.

11 Same Terminology as Classical Conditioning
Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous Recovery Generalization Discrimination If a mom wanted to reinforce her son’s dancing, she can give him lollipops when he dances.

12 Token Economy Every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given. They can trade tokens in for a variety of prizes (reinforcers). Used in homes, schools, prisons, etc.

13 Premack Principle You have to take into consideration the reinforcers used. Is the reinforcer wanted… or at least is it more preferable than the targeted behavior? (i.e. using the reward of McDs burgers to get a child to clean up their room.) McDs burgers might be a great positive reinforcer for me, but it would not work well on a vegetarian.

14 Reinforcement Schedules
How often to you give the reinforcer? Every time, or just sometimes you see the behavior.

15 Continuous vs. Partial Reinforcement
Reinforce the behavior EVERYTIME the behavior is exhibited. The vending machines here at school are a good example. Acquisition comes really fast. But so does extinction. Reinforce the behavior only SOME of the times it is exhibited. Acquisition comes more slowly. But is more resistant to extinction. FOUR types of Partial Reinforcement schedules:

16 Ratio Schedules Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio
Provides a reinforcement after a SET number of responses. Provides a reinforcement after a RANDOM number of responses. Playing the lottery or a slot machine is a good example; they are very resistant to extinction. Fixed Ratio – You get a free ice cream every after every 10 that you buy.

17 Interval Schedules Fixed Interval Variable Interval
Requires a SET amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement. Requires a RANDOM amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement. A man waiting 10 minutes to catch a fish or 20 minutes to catch one. Very resistant to extinction. Fixed Interval – You get paid every other Friday.

18 Response Patterns for Partial Schedules of Reinforcement

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