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French Revolution & Napoleon

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1 French Revolution & Napoleon 1789-1815
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

2 Background of France France was center of Enlightenment
People in French society were not treated equally French were divided into 3 “estates” or classes First estate: church officials Second estate: rich nobles Third estate: everyone else (98% of people) Third estate had almost no rights and were heavily taxed Discuss differences within 3rd estate

3 Complete Skill Builder Questions 1 & 2 on page 652

4 Use the graphic organizer on your notes to fill in the causes

5 Causes The Enlightenment spread the idea that all men should be equal
The “third estate” was ready to gain equal rights French economy was failing high taxes, France in debt, & not enough food Weak leaders Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Absolutism people were ready to have a say in their government -Discuss Louis as a leader, but don’t go into too much detail on M.A because the students will read about her in the later and will do an activity -Talk about the bad weather and grain shortages… bread on 655 -Mention debt from other monarchs and American Revolution

6 Louis XVI Marie Antoinette

7 Use page 653 to help you answer the following questions about Marie Antoinette & Louis XIV
Give 3 examples that support the name Marie Antoinette was given, “Madame Deficit” 1. 2. 3. Draw a picture to help you remember Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

8 Events The “third estate” broke away from the king and started its own representative body Rumors spread that Louis XVI was going to attack the French people The peasants broke into the Bastille to get gunpowder for their weapons and started rioting Great Fear: They burnt homes of nobles, documents that made them pay taxes, and drove the king out of Versailles

9 Fall of the Bastille

10 Events Continued A series of representative bodies took control of France and set new rules Weakened the power of the monarch Revoked privileges for the first & second estate Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen granted equal rights for French men Weakened the power of the Catholic Church Some were not satisfied with the new government and wanted even greater change…a Republic

11 Events Continued Eventually France became a republic
Louis was put to death because the people believed he was going to let foreign troops help him win his power back A dictator named Maximilien Robespierre took control of France killed thousands of people who didn’t agree with him He was put to death with the guillotine

12 Maximilien Robespierre
Read Primary Source on page 660 and complete question on right side of page


14 Marie Antoinette at the Guillotine
Marie Antoinette at the Guillotine

15 Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte took control of France in a coup d’etat brought order and stability to France made several changes that were meant to build on the Revolution’s good ideas Crowned himself emperor of France Quickly captured country after country in Europe and amassed a large empire Became too power hungry and made several mistakes that led to his downfall Napoleon’s Changes: tax collection more fair and orderly, new public schools for ordinary citizens, gave church back some of its power, laws that gave all citizens same rights (except new laws took away many individual rights won during revolution) Napoleon’s mistakes: his desire to crush Britain, made his brother King of Spain and Spanish fought back with help of Britain, Trying to conquer Russia in winter pics/napoleon/video s/napoleon

16 Effects France became a constitutional monarchy
Inspired people of Latin America to fight for freedom from Spain and other countries Inspired other European nations to become stronger in order to prevent another takeover balance of power in Europe (history teachers) (history channel song)

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