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What were the flaws of the Treaty of Versailles?

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Presentation on theme: "What were the flaws of the Treaty of Versailles?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were the flaws of the Treaty of Versailles?
Fourteen Points Self determination League of Nations US Senate “peace built on quicksand” Treaty of Versailles Territorial Losses Military restrictions War Guilt Clause Germany takes blame for war Reparations Nazi party Conclusion: How should the winner of the war treat the defeated?

2 Self determination 14 points was Wilson’s post war plan
Allowing people to decide for themselves how they wished to live

3 League of Nations International association designed to keep peace among the nations

4 US Senate US Senate votes not to join the League

5 Treaty of Versailles US does not join the League
Self determination granted to European countries Self determination denied to European colonies in Africa and Asia

6 Territorial Losses Germany surrenders overseas colonies in China to Japan Ottoman Empire loses the lands of the Middle East to France and Britain

7 Military Restrictions
Limits the size of German army Germany prohibited from importing war material Germany forbidden from having air force or submarines

8 War Guilt Clause Germany required to take blame for the war
Government officials forced to sign it Kaiser had abdicated Never saw the clause until day of signature "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her Allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associate Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of a war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her Allies."

9 Reparations Germany forced to pay for the war
Georges Clemenceau of France and David Lloyd George of England pushed for it

10 Nazi Party Nationalist party formed in 1919 Anti Treaty of Versailles
Many Germany veterans joined Felt stabbed in the back

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