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International Scientific Consortium "Information and Marketing Centre“

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1 International Scientific Consortium "Information and Marketing Centre“
International School of Digital Economy and Sustainable Development Real Future Digital companies - economic reality Auto-formalization (of processes, relationships, interfaces) Democratic individualism 2018 1

2 Digital Economy: à la industriel
Industrial approach: Digital Economy = Digital Services + Technologies = Digital Objects Digital actors - ? (missing) Dialectical contradictions: Quantitative (technological): The second information barrier: many user accounts & services Qualitative (ontological): isolated, discrete services vs. seamless space data analysis vs. ontological frames & auto-formalization

3 Digital economy: de facto + de jure
de facto: Electronic office + Auto-formalized intelligence de jure: Digital company + Bank account (International and national ID + bank ID)

4 Digital company: the entity of digital reality
Digital economy = Registration of a digital entity = Providing the legal status for Digital company Registration of Digital Companies: Legal regulation & id Digital company is a quantum leap to the Digital economy

5 Digital company: institutional innovation + right to development
The transition from the "input-output" model to the “consumption- production” Auto-formalization - continuous making choice and transformation of forms (processes, relationships, interfaces) Digital Private Property - Fixing Digital Assets Based on Digital Companies Digital Identity and Digital Axiology Digital Law - Interaction of Digital Assets Digital company: management in a growing economic diversity and permanent change of forms Macro-identity in the space of new values and new opportunities

6 International certificate
International School of Digital Economy and Sustainable Development: list of training courses Introduction to Digital Economy: Digital Companies, Digital Market, Digital Law, Auto-formalized intelligence Digital Market and Digital Companies: e-office, semantic platform, data management, auto-formalization of processes, interaction of digital companies Digital Market: An Innovative Service Creation Environment. Digital start-ups Development of services for the Digital Market: Auto- formalized and Digital Intelligence International certificate

7 Digital company: training program
Working with the command line. Information search Creating a personal information business system from a set of templates and digital services Testing Creating account for a Digital Company   Getting a digital signature Data management system for business processes Access to personal data Functions: Creating option menus Function “Message” Function "Send Document“ Function "E-commerce" (Information about products, Ordering, Payment, Order execution, Service and support)

8 Digital (auto-formalized) management and data management
Creation of auto-formalized systems for interaction with partners Creation of auto-formalized digital marketing forms Information collection Export data Managing the Banking Accounts of Digital company Balance-of-accounts management based on the "consumption- production" model Calculation of the sustainability of Digital Company (calculators of economic potential and liquidity of the balance sheets) Monitoring the dynamics of the competitive environment (definition of the horizon of events)

9 International School of Digital Economy and Sustainable Development:
Thank you!

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