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Written By Jeffrey McDaniel Presentation by Sabrina Perez

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1 Written By Jeffrey McDaniel Presentation by Sabrina Perez
The Endarkenment Written By Jeffrey McDaniel Presentation by Sabrina Perez To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

2 Biography 1967- born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1990- BA from Sarah Lawrence College where he is now teaching a creative writing class since 2001 5 published books of poetry this book being his 4th Awarded a creative writing fellowship from the National Endowment of Art Currently lives in Cold Spring, NY To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

3 Summary & Thoughts Guidebook to Nowhere
-the speaker wears an eyepatch over his right eye not due to any disability or injury but to keep it from viewing reality. They want to keep it for viewing the natural things in life, in order to distinguish between what's natural and artificial. -a play on the idea that what we see is deceiving. This is why he wears an eyepatch over one eye; to keep it from becoming blind to the natural things in life. He will only use that eye to view such things. -Technology or manmade systems limit our understanding of the natural, “real” world. To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

4 Summary & Thoughts Lament for a Shriveled Flesh Plant
-This poem starts off with how we do (or don't do) certain things in order to get through everyday life, but we end up just waiting. It moves on to mock humans for claiming independence all the while needing outside sources to survive in contrast to plants. It finishes off with the narrator revealing his want to give a person all he/she needs and his inability to do so. -humans v. plants/water; our inferiority To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

5 Summary & Thoughts i send you this leaf
-He's sending a leaf to his loved one not because of it looks like him/her, not because it’s the same color as parts of her body, and not because it brings up thoughts of them together. -He's sending it because each part of the leaf (its shape, the sound it makes, the way it tastes) reminds him of his feelings and memories for his loved one. To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

6 Summary & Thoughts don't touch it!
-talks about how if you do one thing it leads to another which leads to another and so on -the inevitability of life -metaphor for doing things you know you shouldn't and how it's a recursive loop To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

7 Summary & Thoughts Good
-McDaniel is writing about his life experiences and things he’s heard and learned while living it, all while comparing the good and the bad. He’s learned that to him, "the opposite of a good- bye is good riddance." -“Once I saw a priest jab a crucifix into his arm and tilt his head back as god’s delicious morphine swirled through his veins.” Here he’s talking about watching a good person go down a bad path and shoot up morphine or heroin. -Also talks about simple things that are good, like how long the milk will stay good until it eventually goes bad To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

8 Summary & Thoughts Compulsively Allergic to the Truth
-the speaker is talking about someone who is unable to tell the truth, even about seemingly simple things like why he's late and having a fear of heights. He then describes himself as an owl who saw a tree fall over in the forest of the liars life. The trees best represent another lie in the life of the liar. He talks about people getting lost in the corridors inside of the labyrinth belonging to the liar. This may represent all the people who have gotten fooled by the liar. To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

9 Summary & Thoughts New Word for Tongue
-Talks about how we pronunciate the word tongue incorrectly for how great it is and how we can improve it. He thinks the verb tense is fine but the noun is completely wrong. Describes the way we should pronounce the word differently, which is “luh-she-oh- ah” -The speaker thinks the word tongue is not long, interesting, or romantic enough “must be polysyllabic, with sharp consonants and long, luxurious vowels” (38) this shows us his respect and admiration for the tongue To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

10 Summary & Thoughts Impersonal ad #47
-An ad about a thin man searching for an unrealistic woman. If he finds this woman he wants to jump into the ocean of life and get lost with her -He has such high expectations for a woman, causing him to be eternally lonely -funny and creepy simultaneously To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

11 Summary & Thoughts From The Diaries of Cinnamon Holloway
-the ways boys walked caused him/her to believe there was more than one thing in there pants, a “toolbox” full of tools to build something holy inside him/her. When they found out there was only one, they questioned how this was supposed complete them -this poem pities men and their genitalia - To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

12 Summary & Thoughts Arrivederci Lipstick
-This poem is about a man who gets his head chopped off and it lands between his wife’s feet. He stares at her genitalia and reminisces about all of his memories with her. He wanted to “apply arrivederci lipstick and kiss the soil,” in other words die, but Janey picks his head up and kicks it through the air and he recalls the last things he sees before hitting the ground -The speaker is contemplating what his memories and knowledge will do for him when he is dead. -shows his appreciation or obsession for sex To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

13 Summary & Thoughts Boner Etiquette
-about boners and how they’re never alone, and the ones that are we should beware of -uncomfortable but humorous -topic that is rarely discussed -the unknown dangers of being alone -ignorance of the amount of pedophiles/molesters To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the image slide. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the image slide. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the presentation that contains the image slide, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the image slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

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