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3 Heat The movement of thermal energy from a substance at a higher temperature to a substance at a lower temperature.

4 Heat Heat always flow from a warmer to a cooler place.
There is no such thing as coldness, there is just heat loss, heat travels in one direction. When heat flows into an object it expands and when it flows out of an object it contracts.

5 How does heat move from place to place??

6 Conduction The transfer of heat from one particle to another without the movement of matter Molecules in a heated object will move faster. When another object comes in direct contact with it heat will be transferred to it. Example: stove coil – pot – water - metal - spoon

7 Conductor and Insulator
Conductors: Objects that allow heat to easily flow through them. Examples: silver, stainless steel, tile floors Insulators: Objects that do not allow heat to easily flow through them. Examples: wood, straw, paper, wool, cork, air

8 Convection The transfer of heat by the movement of currents within a fluid. The heat can be transferred through a liquid or a gas. Not through direct contact. Examples: water boiling and baseboard heat

9 Convection Hot liquids and gases always rise and cold liquids and gases always sink.

10 Radiation The transfer of heat by light waves.
Radiation does not have to travel through matter. Examples: sun, bonfire, heat lamp

11 Practice Tell the method of heat transfer.
1. An entire lake is heated by water from a hot spring at the bottom of the lake. Sunlight melts a wax crayon left outside. A burner on a stove heats the bottom of a pot. The inside frame of your front door feels cold during winter.

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