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Do Now What were the ideological differences between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War? What is communism? What does the policy of “containment”

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now What were the ideological differences between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War? What is communism? What does the policy of “containment”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now What were the ideological differences between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War? What is communism? What does the policy of “containment” mean? What was the arms race?

2 Conflicts of

3 1. The Korean War

4 Korea after WWII Communist American backed government

5 Start of Korean War June 25, 1950 North Korea invades South Korea and takes capital US and UN troops get involved Truman orders armed forces in Korea w/o Congress consent. What was the UN (United Nations)? UN Troops mostly US South Korea then under UN force control.

6 Korean War UN troops occupy South Korea Troops move into North Korea
Communist China sees this as a threat—pushed UN forces back to South Korea & took capital - Why would China care that they were getting close? - MacArthur wanted atomic bombs dropped; Truman refused; fired MacArthur

7 End of Korean War Korean War = stalemate
Jan 1951 UN forces take back South Korea capital and push communists back to 38th parallel Korean War = stalemate (no victory for either side) 1953 under Eisenhower—demilitarized zone between border Was the objective (point) of the Korean War achieved? What was really the end result? (looking for answer: exactly as it was before the war)

8 2. Cuban Missile Crisis

9 The Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 Soviet Union builds launching sites for nuclear missiles in Cuba

10 The Soviet Union’s Plan for Cuba

11 The Cuban Missile Crisis
Missiles could reach US in minutes

12 Ask students to pretend they are Kennedy receiving this picture
Ask students to pretend they are Kennedy receiving this picture. What would they do in response? (give/brainstorm ideas: invade Cuba, bombing missile sites, doing nothing, telling the Am. People/not telling the Am. people., etc.) Ask for a few student responses.

13 Any missile launched would be met with a nuclear attack by the US
Kennedy’s Response Navy blockade: sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving. Ask students to write a 3 sentence response on whether they think this is a good or bad decision. Why or why not? What do you think should happen? Any missile launched would be met with a nuclear attack by the US


15 End of Crisis Soviet Union withdrew after 5 days
Soviet Union and US worked to build a better relationship Why would this be the best option for everyone?


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