DIGITAL KOL Start your free trial! Wipro’s Digital KOL “App”

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1 DIGITAL KOL Start your free trial! Wipro’s Digital KOL “App” Eminent researchers and physicians Assessment of their online activities Engagement in drug development/commercialization

2 Meet Monica Issues faced: Incomplete view of KOL
No view on their digital activity Support needed: Identify and rank KOLs Clustering and matching of KOLs The Digital Key Opinion Leaders app on DDP helps Business strategy team to help their business in getting right Key Opinion Leaders in place for their advocacy programs Meet Monica Head, Business Strategy, Pharma major

3 This is an overview of all KOL’s taken across multiple sources, given a score & rank based on multiple parameters

4 Distribution of KOLs, institutions & category of research along with trend analysis on researchers & articles

5 KOL Affiliated institutions, board certifications, donations for their work

6 KOL performance along with key topics of research

7 Eminent KOL identification Advocacy & interest areas of a KOL Collaboration Network of KOLs
Data Discovery Platform enables greater prediction accuracy and efficiency in deriving these insights.

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