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Money is not everything

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Presentation on theme: "Money is not everything"— Presentation transcript:

1 Money is not everything
It can buy you a house but not a home. It can buy you a bed but not sleep.

2 It can buy you a clock but not time.
It can buy you books but not knowledge.

3 It can buy you blood but not life.
It can buy you sex but not love.

4 It can buy you a position but not respect.
It can buy you medicine but not health.

5 Money may not be the root of all evil,
But it often brings us anguish and regrets.

6 Now I would like to tell you how to solve the problem, my dear friends.
And I hope you will forward the solution to other friends of yours.

7 Give all your money to me. Let me suffer from the anguish for you.
Right now, Ok? :-)

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