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NEW CHAPTER - 11- Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa.

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1 NEW CHAPTER - 11- Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa

2 START UP Why do you think historians have a “sketchy” knowledge of Southern Africa but a better knowledge of Northern Africa?? !


4 Bantu Migrations

5 Trade & Travel Large deserts and steep waterfalls made it difficult to travel in Africa

6 The Changing Sahara Desertification

7 Savanna Grassy plains Good for farming and herding
Most Africans live in the savanna

8 Nile Many people settled along the Nile River Valley

9 Egypt & Nubia Both developed around the same time along the Nile River
Had contact with each other

10 WEB Influences on AFRICA
What parts of the world would you guess will be on the chart?

11 Greek influence Traded with Egypt
Eventually ruled Egypt under Alexander the Great

12 Roman Influence Conquered and ruled North Africa
Built roads, aqueducts, dams, and cities Spread Christianity

13 Asian Influence Introduced camels

14 Arab Influence Conquered cities in North Africa Spread Islam
Brought Arabic language Spread Muslim ideas and learning

15 West Africa West African towns became very powerful trading states

16 When you think of West Africa…

17 Salt & Gold Were the two most important traded items in Western Africa
No salt in the savanna Need salt to prevent dehydration

18 Ghana Empire African Empire that takes control of trade in 800

19 Mali Empire Crushes Ghana and takes control of the trade routes

20 Songhai Empire Takes control of the trade routes
Sets up a Muslim dynasty


22 Mansa Musa Becomes the emperor of Mali Converts to Islam
Builds a great trading city and center of learning called Timbuktu

23 In a recent book, Cynthia Crossen, senior editor of the prestigious financial newspaper Wall Street Journal, wrote: "You've heard about the extraordinary wealth of Bill Gates, J. P. Morgan, and the sultan of Brunei, but have you heard of Mansa Musa, one of the richest men who ever lived?" Continuing this theme, Mrs Crossen comments that: "Neither producer nor inventor, Mansa Musa was an early broker, greasing the wheels of intercultural trade. He created wealth by making it possible for others to buy and sell". Dr Davidson suggested that the rulers of Mali were "rumoured to have been the wealthiest m[e]n on the face of the earth".

24 “Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases”- Swahili saying
Write down quote Explain in your own words Do you agree? Explain

25 REVIEW 1. Why is Mansa Musa so wealthy?
2. Al Omari wrote: “he is the king that is most feared by his enemies and the most able to do good to those around him.” What did he mean by this? Is it better to be feared or loved?

26 Quiz- Africa- Monday “Wealth, if you use it; comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases” -Swahili Saying Describe in your own words!

27 East Africa AXUM Conquered and absorbed Nubia
Controlled the trade network between Africa and the Mediterranean

28 Axum converts to Christianity
The spread of Islam in Africa led to its decline

29 Swahili A new language developed in Axum Combined Arab and Bantu

30 African Villages Villages helped each other
Most worshiped many gods and goddesses Looked toward ancestors for help Each family belonged to a lineage several lineages formed a clan

31 The Griots of Africa Open Text to Page 296
Read “The Griots of Africa”- Answer 1-3

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