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Ancient Rome: Republic to Empire

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1 Ancient Rome: Republic to Empire

2 Create 3 column Cornel Notes
Word Description Drawing

3 Rome-An overview Roman Republic: A system of government in Ancient Rome where individuals elect representatives from a class called the Patrician Class Punic Wars: A series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC Carthage: The ancient city that sprang from a Phoenician seaport in Northern Africa. Hannibal: Famous Phoenician General-Attacked Rome, defeated them at the Battle of Cannae. Eventually Defeated at the Battle of Zama

4 Julius Caesar: Roman General who invaded the City of Rome, leading to civil war. Brought about the end of the Republic. The end of the republic BCE-27 BCE. The rise of the Empire-The first Emperor was Julius’ Nephew. The first Emperor, Augustus Caesar was a powerful leader who ruled for over 40 years, greatly strengthening the Empire. Claudius, Caligula, and Nero-Ineffective or poor emperors Diocletian: Roman Emperor from 284 to 305, made great reforms to the Empire Constantine: Made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire


6 Rome at the Time of the Republic

7 The Empire at its height

8 Roman Politics Government Political theory and Rhetoric of Rome
The Senate was made up of patricians, rich and powerful Romans, elected by the patrician class. Everyone could vote, but only the patricians could hold office. The Consuls were the highest elected political office-they made some political decisions but were still under the emperor. Political theory and Rhetoric of Rome Cincinnatus and the nature of leadership: The legend of Cincinnatus influenced Roman ideas of nobility and leadership. Marcus Tullius Cicero- A political philosopher The 12 Tables-the constitution of Ancient Rome, developed over time.

9 Reflection Question In what ways do you see the United States and Ancient Rome being similar? Are we in the Pax Americana? After reflecting and sharing with the class, begin :Fall of the Empire” Activity.

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