Business Writing Tao Xiang (向 涛).

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Presentation on theme: "Business Writing Tao Xiang (向 涛)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Writing Tao Xiang (向 涛)

2 Basic Information Chinese course title:国际商务写作 Total class hours:40
Credits:2.5 Selective course 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

3 Business English Specific English on various kinds of commercial activities, suitable to commercial needs Language features of BE Business related Diction: formal, brevity, flat Structure: formal, complicated Clear, no ambiguity Etiquette 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

4 Business Writing Use business English to communicate with others in proper ways, especially in written forms. 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

5 Frame of Business Writing
Process Forms Language Relevant knowledge: Business, culture, etc. 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

6 Value of Business Writing
The changing workplace Globalized economy Internet speed Culturally diverse work force Team-based organizations Effective business writing Perfect English Good job Bright future 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

7 What do you want to learn in the course?

8 Learning Objectives Master procedures of business writing
Master forms and characters of normal business messages Write proper business messages Own basic English communication capabilities of internationalized people 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

9 Barriers to Business Writing
Language Confidence Laziness How to Learn? Tools Practice Constructive criticism Prepare for the coming job 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

10 Strengthening Business Writing Skills
Honest assessment of where you stand Learn from experiences Keep practicing Focus on what you need the most work Applying what you’ve learned 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

11 Detailed Learning Methods
Practice writing Listen, discuss and read Teamwork 3-4 diverse persons per team Team leader is responsible for the team’s performance and gives scores of members. Presentations Others 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

12 Detailed Requirements
Writing 10 messages Listening 20 materials Speaking 10 times of discussion (about half an hour per time) in teams and one report on platform Reading 200 pages 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

13 Detailed Requirements
Presentation in class A 1,000-word report and 10-minute presentation PPT Evaluation indexes A = %; B = %; C = %; D = %;F = Below 60%。 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

14 Assessment 30% for presentation
15% for individual performance 15% for team work 30% for individual performance in and after the classes 40% for the final exam Mock interview? 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

15 Listening exercise Voa special English report Questions What? Where?
Who? How? Why? 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

16 References Thill / Bovee,《卓越的商务沟通》(7/e),北京大学出版社,2008。 汇丰银行商务写作教程,2007。
斯科特·奥伯,《现代商务沟通(第2版)》,中国人民大学出版社,2009。 奥罗克,《管理沟通:案例分析法(第2版)》, 北京大学出版社,2007。 Journal: Economists, Business Week, etc. Web: 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

17 Syllabus Course introduction 4 hours
Letters, memos, , and other brief messages hours Reports and oral presentations hours Employment messages hours Review hours 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

18 Any Questions?

19 I am here to serve you!
Office room: 516 at SBA building Office hour: 2-5pm on Wednesday or by appointment

20 Writing Exercise Write a letter to me
Assess your performance last term Show your objectives in the near future, especially in the college life Tell what you want to learn in this course Pay attention to the letter’s form More than 150 words 2018/11/10 Tao Xiang

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