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III.Egyptian Religion A.Introduction

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1 III.Egyptian Religion A.Introduction 1.The priests prepared the pharaoh’s body for the afterlife. 2.The process of mummification took between days. 3.The Egyptians prepared their entire life for the afterlife. B.Egyptian Gods and Goddesses 1.Egyptians believed that the gods and goddesses controlled the workings of nature. 2.Over time, all Egyptians came to believe in several groups of gods. 3.The chief god of the Egyptians was Amon Re. 4.Osiris, Isis, and Horus were some of the powerful gods. C.Belief in an Afterlife 1.Evidence of their afterlife can be found in art and artifacts. 2.Food, clothing, and other items were buried with them. 3.Beginning in the Middle Kingdom, people of all classes looked forward to an afterlife. 4.Mummification is the artificial preserving of a body. 5.Mummification was expensive and took 2 to 3 months. 6.Pharaohs had 3 or 4 coffins which were nested one inside the other.

2 D.The Pharaohs’ Tombs 1.Tomb building became a complex art. 2.Most of the pyramids were built during the Old Kingdom. 3.The Great Pyramid is made up of more than 2 million stones. 4.A pyramid could take more than 20 years to build. 5.Stone to build the pyramids came from different quarries. 6.Workers dragged and pushed huge blocks up ramps. 7.Building pyramids was dangerous work.

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