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Major World Religions.

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Presentation on theme: "Major World Religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major World Religions

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7 3. Jerusalem A Holy City of 3 religions: Christianity Judaism Islam

8 4. What Country has the largest Jewish population in the world?

9 5. What country has the largest Hindu population in the world?

10 6. What country has the largest muslim population in the world?

11 7. What country has the largest buddhist population in the world?

12 8. Most people living in the Middle East practice which religion?

13 9. What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism?
Monotheism= belief in one god Polytheism= belief in many gods

14 Buddhism Important Customs: Important Beliefs:
Meditation to find inner peace. Simple living—not acquiring a lot of material possessions Spiritual discipline to find enlightenment Do not overindulge in things like food, lying, alcohol, etc. Visit temples/holy places to pay respect to Buddha Important Beliefs: The goal of everyone’s life is to find wisdom/peace The Buddha is a role model. Wealth does not guarantee happiness-live simply. All people will suffer, but it can be overcome. Karma-Your actions have consequences. Reincarnation of the soul There are no gods

15 Christianity Important Beliefs: Important Customs:
Jesus is the Savior of the world ONE true Creator God Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit Believe in life after death The Bible is the inspired word of God Important Customs: Attending church on weekends Baptism Confirmation Communion Regular prayer Reading Bible Celebrating Holidays: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter

16 Hinduism Important Beliefs: Important Customs:
Karma—individuals create their own destiny by thoughts, words and deeds Dharma-Righteous living Reincarnation of the soul Belief in several gods, including Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, and Brahma Important Customs: Not eating beef/some entirely vegetarian Many have arranged marriages Idol worship Pilgrimage to Hindu holy sites Yoga & meditation to connect with inner self

17 Islam Important Beliefs: Important Customs:
One God- called Allah- is the creator of all things on Earth. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah on Earth. The Qur'an (Koran) is the Word of God and the Muslim holy book. There is an afterlife— where you go is based on your belief and devotion to Allah. Important Customs: Frequent prayer at specific times of day Fasting during Ramadan Charitable giving Pilgrimage to Mecca No eating pork products

18 Judaism Important Customs: Important Beliefs:
Celebration of important holidays: Hanukkah, Passover, Yom Kippur Bar/Bat 12 or 13 Regular prayer Attending synagogue regularly Kosher diet Important Beliefs: The Torah is the most important Holy Text There is only one God Waiting for the Messiah to return Follow God’s laws in your daily life Abraham is the father of Judaism

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