Los Angeles Mission College

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Presentation on theme: "Los Angeles Mission College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Angeles Mission College
LACCD Student Success Initiative Steering Committee, Achieving the Dream, & L.A. Mission College: Summit #2: Welcoming Students to Your Campus: Innovative Efforts in SSSP and Equity Initiatives Los Angeles Mission College November 20, 2015 9:00am-3:00pm Presentations: WLAC, LAMC, Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning Training

2 Welcome! Welcome and updates on FTLA, LARN stuff-Jessica

3 Mission Develop leaders in California community colleges who have the capacity to facilitate networks of faculty, staff, and students for curricular and institutional redesigns in support of increased student access, success, equity, and completion. Jessica

4 Theory of Change If we provide training on
networking and we use action research methodologies, community college professionals will transform their environments and identities to create communities of practice that will produce powerful learning and working across campuses. This will lead to greater student success. Jessica

5 Building Networks that Work
Identifying a Shared Problem Creating a Shared Vision of the Possible for Addressing It Building a Sustained Community of Practitioners Focusing on This Problem Jessica –close the loop w/these summits . Last year was CRTL and now we want to see it in practice and how to integrate w/our already existing student success efforts on campus that have funding allocated to them. California Community Colleges’ Success Network

6 Ice Breaker Activity (handout)
Crystal facilitate and Arnita take notes.

7 Pair & Share! Meet someone new and share your responses, including your goals for this year Introduce your colleagues & share out one “take away” you heard from the other someone else Crystal facilitate, Arnita take notes

8 Goals for the Day Begin the dialogue on the creation of designated student “Welcome Centers” Learn about the experiences of those campuses that are creating new ways to welcome students via SSP efforts Use a student centered approach in developing an integrated plan for welcoming students to your campus Diana/ Cindy: Welcome from LAMC and Goals of the day. If we hear a good one from the ice breaker activity you can add it while you are speaking.

9 Read Together Activity
“What students say they need to succeed: Key themes from a study of student support” RP Group (2013) from the Student Services (Re)defined series: Jessica

10 5 Strategies for Campuses
6 Factors for Success: Directed: Students have a goal and know how to achieve it Focused: Students stay on track— keeping their eyes on the prize Nurtured: Students feel somebody wants and helps them to succeed Engaged: Students actively participate in class and extracurricular activities Connected: Students feel like they are part of the college community Valued: Students’ skills, talents, abilities and experiences are recognized; they have opportunities to contribute on campus and feel their contributions are appreciated 5 Strategies for Campuses Colleges need to foster students’ motivation. Colleges must teach students how to succeed in the postsecondary environment. Colleges need to structure support to ensure all “six success factors” are addressed. Colleges need to provide comprehensive support to historically underserved students to prevent the equity gap from growing. Everyone has a role to play in supporting student achievement, but faculty must take the lead. Jessica

11 Think, Pair, Share Read: Read the article Pair: With one other person
Share: Share your thoughts on the reading and discuss the reading questions Which strategy is most valuable to you as an instructor, administrator, or staff member? What activities does your campus already do to help students with this strategy? c) Which one of these strategies can you improve (immediately) within your role on campus? Jessica will lead, Diana take notes.

12 BREAK-10 min

13 Campus Presentations:
L.A. Mission College-Fall Kick Off Diana Bonilla, Cindy Luis Deborah will introduce our speakers

14 Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning Mary Hardy, Arnita Porter
Campus Presentation: West L.A. College Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning Mary Hardy, Arnita Porter Campus will do their own presentations. Need someone to introduce them.

15 LUNCH!! Take a moment to get some
I’m not sure discussion and analysis is needed since we will be doing the scenarios after lunch. Thoughts? LUNCH!!

16 Synthesis Activity- Poster & Gallery Walk
Student Welcome Center -Create a poster with activities/resources that are aligned with the strategy. Hang poster on wall (15 min) Gallery Walk- Walk around to see other group’s poster and put a sticker near activities that you like –you may add an activity to the poster. Need a facilitator for this-Each table has 1 of the 5 strategies on their poster, already pasted on their poster.

17 Integrated Planning (handout)
Campus Team Time- Integrated Planning (handout) Using the information provided by the presenters, handouts from the RP group, and the poster activity Create a plan for a welcome center or changes/additions they can implement on campus Campus groups, have them sit together. Arnita facilitate. Diana will take notes on feedback.

18 Example Directed: Students have a goal and know how to achieve it
SSSP: Student Ed-Plans Equity: Increase the # of students receiving Ed Plans Welcome Center: Schedule counseling appointments Put this slide up when they are working on their team planning.

19 Looking ahead Take-away(s) from the group
Next Steps: How can we keep the dialogue going? What are possible events/trainings and professional learning events would you like to see? March 18, 2016-Next AtD/SSI Summit on Noncredit! Crystal to wrap it up!

20 Wrap-up, Feedback, and Evaluations

21 For more information please contact us at 3csn.org

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