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Natural and Manmade Disasters

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Presentation on theme: "Natural and Manmade Disasters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural and Manmade Disasters

2 Disaster Preparedness
Processing: these videos are examples of a natural disaster a manmade Disaster Today we are going to discuss different disasters and how we can prepare for them.

3 What disasters would and could effect our community?

4 Disasters can be foreseeable… Which ones can, and which ones can’t?

5 Which disasters are common in the different regions of the USA?


7 Can we be prepared: Tornados? Hurricanes? Earthquakes? Tsunami?
Blizzards? Flood? Fire? Terrorist attacks? School violence? This slide will help the children understand that knowing what to do in different disasters will help you to be prepared.

8 What do we do? Tornados? Hurricanes? Earthquakes? Tsunami? Blizzards?
Flood? Fire? Terrorist attacks? School violence? Hazardous Materials

9 Tornado Drills

10 What to do during in a tornado drill?
The tornado drill is signaled by a bell that sounds different from a fire drill Stay calm Listen to instructions Do not worry about personal items

11 D U C K ! D – Go DOWN to the lowest level U – Get UNDER something
C – COVER your head K – KEEP in shelter until the storm has passed

12 Steps of a Tornado Drill
In a single file line, go into designated hallway or classroom Sit close together and remain quite With your head against the wall, duck and cover your head Remain in this position until the ALL CLEAR is sounded Children will respond to the verbal command to duck and cover their head

13 Masters of Disaster Quiz Bowl

14 What are floods that happen very quickly called?

15 Which natural disaster is most common in the U.S.?

16 What are the heavy waves associated with a hurricane called?
Storm Surge

17 How many categories are hurricanes classified by?

18 Which natural disaster is considered the most violent?

19 What is the area of the country most at risk for tornadoes called?
Tornado Alley

20 Which natural disaster cannot be predicted?

21 Remember to fill out your “Just in Case Family Plan”

22 Jillian Potts Juliana Whitaker
PowerPoint by Jillian Potts Juliana Whitaker

23 Sources Used:

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