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Finger like projections,, with central fibrovascular core covered by several layers of benign looking squamous cells Diagnosis: squamous cell papilloma.

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Presentation on theme: "Finger like projections,, with central fibrovascular core covered by several layers of benign looking squamous cells Diagnosis: squamous cell papilloma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finger like projections,, with central fibrovascular core covered by several layers of benign looking squamous cells Diagnosis: squamous cell papilloma

2 Slide on the left: multiple nodules of different sizes attached to colonic mucosa by stalk Slide on right: microscopically, nodule composed of proliferating glandular structure some with cystic spaces, the polyp is connected to the mucosa by stalk. Diagnosis : adenomatous polyp

3 Slide on left: well circumscribed mass of yellow lobulated smooth surface , on serosal surface of small intestine Slide on right : microscopically, proliferation of mature fat cells Diagnosis: lipoma

4 Slide on left: incised uterus showing multiple masses of different sizes rounded regular smooth surface on the mural submucosal & subserosal surfaces of the uterus. slide on right: microscopically, interlacing bundles of proliferating spindle cells benign looking, formation of pseudocapsule Diagnosis : lieomyoma of uterus

5 Microscopically , dermal proliferation of small blood vessels lined by endothelial cells containing RBCs Diagnosis : hemangioma

6 Basal cell carcinoma: large rounded ulcer with everted edge & necrotic base at the upper part of the face

7 Microscopically, dermal nodule of proliferating basaloid cells hyperchromatic round to oval nuclei , with peripheral palisading feature .diagnosis : basal cell carcinoma

8 There is ulcer on the face near the nose destructed the eye , this ulcer is large irregular margins with area of hemorrhage & necrosis diagnosis: squamous cell carcinoma

9 slide shows cell nest with keratin pearls , the cell nest composed of malignant squamous cells ( pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei & high N/C ratio) diagnosis: well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma

10 Slide on left : moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma ,there is area of cell nest with malignant squamous cells( pleomorphism, hyperchromatism, high nuclear/ cytoplasmic ratios )& keratin formation ,the other area lacks keratin slide on right: poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with pleomorphic cells and minimal pink keratinization, increase mitotic activity & prominent nucleoli

11 This is gross appearance of colon adenocarcinoma ,exophytic growth (mass) with irregular margins causing partial obstruction.

12 Well differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: the neoplastic glands of gastric adenocarcinoma demonstrate mitosis, increasd nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios, and hyperchromatism. There is a desmoplastic stromal reaction to the infiltrating glands.

13 A moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of colon
A moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of colon. There is still a glandular configuration lined by malignant glandular epithelial cells which demonstrate mitosis, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios & hyperchromatism, but the glands are irregular and very crowded.

14 Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon: the neoplastic glands of colonic adenocarcinoma are much larger, have crowded nuclei with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism & filled with necrotic debris.

15 Poorly differentiated Adenocarcinoma (signet ring carcinoma) sheets of discohesive cells with cytoplasmic mucin which displays the nucleus to a side ( signet-ring appearance).

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