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The Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 The Black Box Experiment
Watch the following video, and pause to make some predictions and observations!

3 What do you think a model is?
A representation of an idea Used to explain phenomena that cannot be experienced directly

4 What is a variable? Things you can change in the experiment
What are some you could test in the black box experiment?

5 Assumptions... What are some things you ASSUMED were true, but didn’t have any proof?

6 The Scientific Method… step by step!
What is it? A standard procedure when investigating something unknown!


8 After many years & many experiements...
LAW A repeated observation Does NOT explain why something exists Ex. The Law of Gravity Ex. 2 Newton’s Laws

9 THEORY An explanation of the world backed up by many experiments
Ex. The Theory of Evolution Ex. 2 The Big Bang Theory Ex. 3 Kinetic Molecular Theory

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