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Work on notebook or read

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1 Work on notebook or read
Monday, April 2 Agenda – Make sure notebook is up to date Daily Jeopardy – Different kinds of music spread to many parts of the country because of this invention. (Use invention chart) Be ready – notebook, art supplies, textbook, poems and graffiti board, week 22 and 23 newspaper and questions, book to read Work on notebook or read Today is a figure out where we left off and complete things kind of day

2 Tuesday, April 3 Agenda – none
Daily jeopardy – the buffalo soldiers and rough riders contributed to American victory in this war. Be ready – Tennessee magazine, notebook, art supplies Begin reading pages 44-47 what were some of the Tennessee new deal programs that helped Tennessee and the nation survive the great depression

3 What were some of the Tennessee new deal programs that helped Tennessee and the nation survive the great depression Create a graphic organizer explaining the key programs in Tennessee that helped Tennessee survive the Great Depression

4 Wednesday, April 4 Prepare to bust!
Agenda – graffiti board and week 22 and 23 quiz tomorrow Daily jeopardy – Germany had to give up colonies was part of this. Be ready – notebook, art supplies text book Work on graffiti board Prepare to bust!

5 Analyze events of the Great Depression and it’s impact on the nation Read the text and compare it to the Kit movie Create a notes page in notebook of key ideas and events during the Great Depression

6 Understand facism, totalitarianism and Nazism in Europe & Know the leaders of the Axis and Allied Powers and their goals. Create a Graphic Organizer in notebook detail this information Discuss the goals of the Axis Powers

7 FACISM The government controls the economy, culture and all parts of people’s lives

8 NAZISM the body of political and economic doctrines held and put into effect by the Nazis in Germany from 1933 to 1945 including the totalitarian principle of government

9 TOTALITARIANISM the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority

10 Thursday, April 5 Agenda – none
Daily jeopardy – he created a less expensive and easier way to manufacture steel Be ready – art supplies, Tennessee book and notebook, graffiti board Study questions for quiz

11 What were some of the Tennessee new deal programs that helped Tennessee and the nation survive the great depression Create a graphic organizer explaining the key programs in Tennessee that helped Tennessee survive the Great Depression

12 PEARL HARBOR How did the bombing impact the United States

13 What does each line mean?
“onslaught, “invasion” & “unprovoked and dastardly attack” “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy” “a date which will live in infamy” “state of war”

14 Friday, April 6 Agenda – none
Daily jeopardy – This supreme court decision desegregated public schools. See page 341 for the answer. Hint--_______vs. Board of education Be ready – notebooks, Tennessee book, checking tool, Davidson – graffiti board & study for quiz

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