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WWII Part 1 Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Part 1 Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Part 1 Quiz

2 A-Day 2/ B-Day 2/28 Pages

3 What are the 4 causes of WWII?

4 Worldwide depression High war debt owed by Germany High inflation Massive unemployment

5 Who is the dictator of Germany?
Axis Powers

6 Adolf Hitler

7 Who is the dictator of Japan?
Axis Powers

8 Hideki Tojo

9 Who is the dictator of Italy?
Axis Powers

10 Benito Mussolini

11 Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
Allied Powers

12 Winston Churchill

13 Who is the President of the United States in 1941?
Allied Powers

14 Franklin D. Roosevelt

15 Who is the leader of the Soviet Union?

16 Joseph Stalin

17 What countries make up the axis powers?

18 Germany Italy Japan

19 What countries make up the allied powers?

20 Great Britain Soviet Union United States

21 What is inflation?

22 Continues rise in the price of goods

23 What is economic?

24 The wealth and resource of a country

25 What is instability?

26 Unsteady or weak

27 What is a dictator?

28 A leader who rules with total control and is often cruel

29 What is a democracy?

30 A type of government controlled by the citizens

31 What is totalitarian?

32 A type of government that controls most parts of peoples lives

33 What is fascism?

34 A type of government run by a dictator that requires the people to be extremely loyal and is often racist

35 What is Nazism?

36 A policy of racist nationalism and state control of the economy practiced in Germany

37 What agreement between the Allies and the United States provided war supplies prior to the US entering WWII?

38 Lend-Lease Act

39 What event led the US into direct involvement in WWII?

40 Bombing at Pearl Harbor

41 Which nation joined the Allied Forces only after they were invaded by Germany?

42 Soviet Union

43 Due to economic struggles during the Great Depression, America continued its foreign policy of:

44 Isolationism

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