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Developed and Developing Countries

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Presentation on theme: "Developed and Developing Countries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed and Developing Countries
VA SOL objective – WG.8: The student will distinguish between developed and developing countries and relate the level of economic development to the standard of living and quality of life

2 Essential Understanding #1
Levels of economic development vary from country to country and from place to place within countries

3 Essential Understanding #2
Resources and technology influence economic development and quality of life

4 Differences between developed and developing countries
1) Access to natural resources 2) Access to capital resources

5 3) Numbers and skills of human resources
4) Levels of economic development

6 5) Standards of living and quality of life
6) Relationships between economic development and quality of life

7 Indicators of economic development
1) Urban/rural ratio

8 2) Labor force characteristics: - Primary sector
- Secondary sector - Tertiary sector

9 3) GDP per capita GDP = Gross Domestic Product
The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, Per capita = per person

10 4) Educational achievement

11 Indicators of standards of living and quality of life
1) Population growth rate (natural increase) Highest: United Arab Emirates Lowest: Cook Islands 2) Population age distribution

12 3) Literacy rate

13 4) Life expectancy 5) Infant mortality Highest: Angola (180.21/1000)
Highest: Macau (84.36 years) Lowest: Swaziland (31.88 years) United States: years 5) Infant mortality Highest: Angola (180.21/1000) Lowest: Singapore (2.31/1000) United States: 6.26

14 6) Percentage of urban population
Top 10 Urban Agglomerations in 2000: Tokyo, Japan Mexico City, Mexico New York-Newark, USA Sao Paolo, Brazil Bombay, India Shanghai, China Calcutta, India Delhi, India Buenos Aires, Argentina Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, USA

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