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MED2001 Advanced Media Production

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Presentation on theme: "MED2001 Advanced Media Production"— Presentation transcript:

1 MED2001 Advanced Media Production
Dr Sophia Drakopoulou

2 Digital Image Typography - theory and history
Information design principles Desktop Publishing rules and conventions Adobe InDesign basic tools Target Audience Visual communication Visual Design

3 Information Design Assess the hierarchy of information displayed
Communicate event’s theme and activities Reflect target audience through use of colour and typography Visual communication Graphic identity

4 DTP rules and conventions
Columns and rows Creating a balanced composition Using Grids Working with digital images Image formats

5 Columns and Rows

6 Desktop Publishing Terms
Gutter Bleed Margins

7 Typography History and Theory Typeface families - serif sans serif

8 Poster Design History


10 Posters

11 Posters and central themes

12 Posters and High Impact
15 Over-Used Movie Poster Clichés

13 Flyer Design

14 Flyers


16 Flyer and text info

17 Tri-fold Brochure Title Headings Moto Text Template Look and feel
Target audience

18 In Design Tools The type tool The frame tool
Fill and stoke colour boxes Text wrap Layers and opacity

19 Project briefs AD PR and Media Create a buzz / Viral campaign
Internet Meme Event Self promotion platform Marketing campaign

20 Project briefs Media and Cultural Studies
Biography, Social or autobiographical. Create alternative city / area guide Create support online community Engage and/or create community online. Software or app - game

21 Project briefs Publishing and Media Magazine online or print.
Integrate print with web (QR codes and click 2 c). Combine publishing platforms Viral campaign

22 Statement of Intent Week 17 Optional : week 11 or week 12

23 Cybersalon Get Involved!
Monthly events free for you to attend Network of academics, practitioners and creative Networking opportunities NEXT EVENT TUESDAY 26 NOV CYBERSALON.ORG

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